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Results of strategic hiring campaign for correction officers



3 min

Commissioner Maginley-Liddie provides details on the results of the strategic hiring campaign for correction officers and recent recruitment efforts.

  • Approximately 167 correction officers were onboarded last year.
  • A recent exam (5,300) had 2,646 people registered to take it.
  • The latest recruitment run (01/08/2025 to 02/28/2025) saw 3,572 registrations, a 35% increase from the previous exam.
  • The department is focusing on both recruitment and retention, acknowledging the challenging nature of working in jails.
  • Council Member Stevens suggests using city council members as recruitment partners to help fill vacancies.
Althea Stevens
Last year you told the council that you were planning strategic hiring campaign to recruit new officers and promote captains.
What's the result of that campaign?
Lynelle Maginley-Liddie
So we actually we were able to onboard approximately 167 correction officers last year.
Althea Stevens
Lynelle Maginley-Liddie
Yes, but I can tell you what we've just done a print and ad media campaign for our correction officers, exam 5,300.
We had approximately 2,646 people registered to take the exam.
This last exam we actually, you know You said how many
Althea Stevens
you had to register to take the exam?
I'm sorry.
Lynelle Maginley-Liddie
I forgot to turn this So exam 5,300 we had approximately 2,646 people registered to take the exam.
And so what we did was we looked at sort of the areas where people were interested in terms of what backgrounds they were coming from, and we ensured that our recruitment strategy was a lot more targeted for this last run that we had.
So this last run that we had, it was from 01/08/2025 to 02/28/2025.
We had approximately 3,572 registrations, which is a 35% increase.
And so we are working on ensuring that we're recruiting and bringing people in.
But the reality too is it's not just recruitment, it's also retention.
Know, people come in working in the jails, it's a very challenging job.
Althea Stevens
Listen, all we take their hats off to them because they show up every day to go into a very Correct.
Lynelle Maginley-Liddie
And so that's also something that we're looking at looking at as a team to ensure, yeah we're recruiting but we're also supporting people when they come to work because they show up regardless of what they're going through.
They show up holidays, they're missing their kids birthdays, they're missing family arrangements, but they're showing up to take care of the people in our care.
And we also have captain's exam that's going to the current registration period is on and that will be held in May.
Althea Stevens
I mean you know it's just interesting they're there across the city I feel like especially as city agencies we're having these conversation with folks and folks are saying they're struggling trying to get staff and then I know me specifically I have people call in my office all the time asking for jobs and information and so Send
Lynelle Maginley-Liddie
them my way.
Althea Stevens
No I just want to employ the agencies again and I know I'm not the chair so I'm employing you.
If you have vacancies, you should be using the council members, sending them to us like making sure that we know the information, that we could be kicking it out, like that is it is 51 of us and we should be a resource that you're using because I know myself specifically, I consistently get people calling my office about where could I find a job, how could I do it, if you guys are having hiring halls you should be partnering with us because these numbers are alarming and so for me it's always like well if people are looking for the jobs and we have these vacancies, how are we marrying the two and so I'm speaking for everyone and I don't care.
You should be using all 51 of the members to say we have these vacancies, can you get this out to your community and see us in those partners and I feel like sometimes agencies don't realize that so again send it to us.
Lynelle Maginley-Liddie
We definitely will. pigeon logo

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