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CCHR's response to Trump administration's executive order on transgender healthcare



54 sec

Council Member Williams inquires about CCHR's response to the Trump administration's executive order limiting transgender healthcare for youth. Deputy Commissioner Carroll explains that CCHR has long-standing protections for gender identity and sexual orientation, and they are closely monitoring the healthcare issues since January.

  • CCHR has been enforcing gender identity and sexual orientation protections since 2002
  • The agency is actively monitoring healthcare issues related to the executive order
  • CCHR is seen as a trusted entity in this area of enforcement
Nantasha Williams
On January 28, the Trump administration limited transgender health care for youth through an executive order.
On February 3, New York state attorney general Leticia James sent a letter to hospitals stating that they would be violating state human rights law if they refuse services to a class of individuals based on their protected status such as gender identity.
Does CCHR expect a rising cases due to the executive order?
Katherine Carroll
Thank you for raising that incredibly important issue madam chair.
The gender identity and sexual orientation protections under the city human rights law have been in place since 02/2002.
We've long been a trusted entity in this space of enforcement.
In addition to that we are monitoring the issues going on with healthcare and we can't speak to any open complaints or investigations on the issue but we have been watching closely since January of this year. pigeon logo

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