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Detailed explanation of EEPC's 20 auditing standards
5 min
Executive Director Jeanne Victor provides a comprehensive explanation of EEPC's 20 auditing standards used to evaluate city agencies' compliance with equal employment opportunity requirements. These standards cover various aspects of EEO policies and practices.
- Standards include policy statements, complaint tracking systems, EEO plan submissions, and training requirements
- EEPC evaluates agencies' efforts to address underutilization of certain demographics
- Standards also cover recruitment efforts, career counseling, and diversity in agency-produced content
Jeanne Victor
standards remain the same for four years.
So all the agencies are audited against the same standards.
So we had 20 audit standards in this particular audit cycle.
The first couple of standards relate to whether or not the agency has a policy statement and if the agency head has issued a policy statement to the their employees and whether or not the EEO policy has been distributed to their employees or posted, and we try to make sure that the agencies tell us where the policy has been posted or the policy statement has been posted and whether or not employees know where to find it.
So we request evidence of the fact that if it's been posted that perhaps it went out to employees via email.
We wanna see the emails knowing to know that the employees know where to find the policy and the policy statement.
Then the next one on on the complaint tracking system, we want to make sure that the agencies are using and utilizing a complaint tracking system so that EEO complaints are being moved along in the process in terms of whether or not the agency is is recording the names of the parties and whether or not the time frames are being met and whether or not whether or not the complaint comes to resolution.
At this point, for this particular audit, we're just auditing whether or not they have a tracking system.
We're not focused as much on the dates, but we'll probably be focusing more on the dates in the next cycle, which is next year.
Another another audit standard revolves around whether or not the agency has submitted its CEO plan and quarterly reports.
Those are due to DCAS.
So when the DCAS once the agency is to file their their annual EEO plans and quarterly reports, they also submit a copy to the EEPC.
So it's it's another check and balance to make sure that these documents are also given to DCAS.
And then what we do is we we we review the EEO plan to see what their training plan is, and we check the agencies check with the agency to see if they've complied with their own EEO plan, if they've trained people in accordance with their with their EEO plan.
And if they haven't, then we require them to train their people, train the employees on all of the required and mandated training as mandated by DCAS before we can sign off on their audit.
Another thing that we do is we make sure that the EEO professional has been appointed and has been properly trained as an EEO professional, that if there are other EEO professionals within the organization, that there's a hierarchy and reporting structure.
As I said, we look for training, whether or not there's been a disability rights or ADA coordinator designated by the agency, and if so, what do they do.
We ask whether or not they are they've distributed their reasonable accommodation process and whether or not, you know, they have a tracking log for that.
We look to see if they're utilizing the section 55 a program, and if they haven't, why not, and make sure that employees are aware that the program exists.
We make sure that agency heads sit down with their EEO professionals to review their workforce data to see if they're talking about underutilization and how they address underutilization within their agency.
We also ask to see their applicant and candidate log to see if they're tracking candidates and if they're looking at the demographics of the candidates as part of the as part of their hiring process.
We look to see if there's diversity in their entity produced content.
In other words, are they using the the language the appropriate language for postings that says, you know, in in essence that we don't discriminate?
Our our is content that is produced by the agency, does is that does that have diversity in it, or is is or does it not?
We look to see whether or not whether or not they assess recruitment efforts for discretionary titles.
We look to see that we look to assess recruitment efforts for nondiscretionary service titles, whether or not a career counselor has been designated by the agency, whether or not an HR professional what the HR professional does and whether or not they are providing agency wide job information to the employees.
Those are those are the standards that were selected with the focus is on underutilization.
So each one of those standards we felt had some nexus to underutilization.
So when taken as a whole, we wanted to to see if, in fact, the agency were doing the things that were required to address underutilization.