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EEPC's planned projects and initiatives for 2025
70 sec
Jeanne Victor outlines the EEPC's planned projects and initiatives for 2025, focusing on addressing underutilization and improving equal employment opportunities in the city's workforce.
- The EEPC plans to identify obstacles impeding the hiring and promotion of women and people of color in job groups with systemic underutilization.
- They will investigate pay disparities and occupational segregation to determine obstacles to upward mobility.
- A new executive agency counsel will review current EEO laws and make recommendations for amendments or new laws consistent with Local Law 13 requirements.
Jeanne Victor
We may find the answers through working directly with the agencies to better understand what they are doing to address utilization while also looking into pay disparities and occupational segregation, which is found in certain job groups to determine what, if any, obstacles exist to prevent upward mobility.
The EEPC has been without an executive agency council for nearly two years, but I have to note we just onboarded our executive agency council this week.
So as we onboard our executive agency council, one of the first assignments will be to conduct a review of the city's current EEO laws in relation to our report findings to see what recommendations we might make to amend existing laws or propose new ones consistent with the requirements of local law 13.
Thus, the EEPC will play a critical role in addressing under utilization in our city's workforce.
We have published now six reports with recommendations pursuant to local law thirteen, one baseline report in 2021, '1 report in 2022, '2 reports in 2023, and two reports in 2024, but few know of our work and recommendations as we are not public facing.