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Research and policy work, including data challenges



6 min

CORE's research and policy team works across all departments and charter mandates, developing community equity priority profiles and addressing challenges with publicly available data. The team is focused on improving data disaggregation and transparency.

  • Developed community equity priority profiles using publicly available data
  • Encountered challenges with outdated and insufficiently disaggregated data
  • Identified interim data disaggregation standards for race, ethnicity, and gender
  • Planning to launch borough-based community equity profiles and set up open data systems for public use
Linda Tigani
Publicly sourced information is the bedrock of our community our government accountability work.
Core's research and policy team works across all departments, campaigns, and course charter mandates.
In fiscal year 2025, our research and policy team developed community equity priority profiles to provide core commissioners with a snapshot of what public data could tell us about each priority.
At the start, our director Maya Williams, a team of one, combed through open data portal, met with city agencies, reviewed published reports by city council, the controller's office, and city agencies to provide an accurate and up to date account of each inequity, a draft priority addressed.
Profiles were utilized by commissioners in the decision making process for the final community equity priorities.
CORE only uses publicly available data to ensure transparency with the public.
Unfortunately, our team has encountered several challenges relying on publicly available data.
CORE's made an intentional decision to only use publicly available data to ensure transparency to communities and to further understand the limitations in this data.
We discovered that existing datasets not only designed to measure structural were not only design not sorry.
Core discovered that existing datasets were not designed to measure structural change and did not allow for easy matching across datasets, which is needed picture of the social injustices we're seeking to address.
Public publicly available data revealed that much of it is not only outdated, but it did not have the necessary disaggregation of communities in New York City.
Given our city's diverse population, different races, genders, gender identities, and ages, our existing data and research must reflect that diversity.
In November 2022, New York City voters approved a measure that enshrines the definition and use of data disaggregation in our charter and calls for standard disaggregation guidelines to be used by all city agencies in all of their work and specifically the racial racial equity planning process.
To date, the mayor's office has not released the guidelines.
Without comprehensive data disaggregation, we risk overlooking the critical disparities that affect communities and exacerbate policies and practices that fail to address the root causes of inequities.
In fiscal year twenty twenty five, our research and policy team identified interim data desegregation standard guidelines are released.
With respect to race and ethnicity, we will give community members the opportunity to identify with one or more of the following categories, black, African American, black Caribbean, African, Asian, South Asian, Southeast Asian, Central or East Asian, white, Eastern European, adopted or unknown, Middle Eastern, North African, Hispanic, Latino, Latinx, native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander, or prefer not to say.
We also ask all participants if they would like to provide their ancestry or ethnic origin.
If the respondent identifies as indigenous to The United States, we do offer them the opportunity to share which tribe they are a part of regardless of whether or not the federal government is the federal government recognizes that tribe.
With respect to gender, we provide the following women, man, transgender woman, transgender man, nonbinary person, queer person sorry, gender queer person, prefer not to say, or that their gender is not mentioned and it is write in.
We also ask that if participants have chronic illness or disability as well as their level of education, the questions and categories shared allow for CORE to have an inclusive and diverse respondent pool that creates a space for every New Yorker to show up with all of their identities and be heard.
The racial equity process requires data disaggregation to occur at collection, examination, and reporting stages of any research and policy practice.
We also look at disaggregation according to zip codes and boroughs.
In April 2025, our team will release updated community equity priority profiles reflecting the final community equity priorities.
It is our goal that these profiles serve as a snapshot of our community equity priorities and will allow for a more comprehensive approach to inform future policies, budgets, and local laws ensuring that they address and ultimately eliminate racial inequities.
In in fiscal year twenty twenty five, CORE will also launch its first ever borough based community equity profiles, which will provide the city with aggregate responses from our first engagement cycle.
When released, the profiles will be made public via our website and shared with borough borough presidents, community boards, and local leadership.
In fiscal year twenty twenty six, our research and policy team will focus on setting setting up core and open data so that the public can use the data that we collect and develop a system to monitor and track the city's progress on their compliance with the racial equity plan.
The research and policy team will also continue to support local law 90 one and 90 two by playing a key role in supporting researchers that will be working with CORE.
Lastly, the team will work closely with community organizing and engagement to identify one or two specific questions and projects that are coming from our community engagement work to begin our original research next year.
Our conversations with community members and the broader pat and the broader patterns and practices our research team discerns through its data analysis form the basis of CORE's legislative work. pigeon logo

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