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Salary ranges and hiring across the range at CCHR
63 sec
Council Member Williams inquires about hiring practices related to salary ranges at CCHR, including how often top salaries are offered and barriers to hiring across the full range. Deputy Commissioner Salazar explains the factors influencing salary offers.
- Salary offers depend on the specific civil service title being used
- Candidates with prior city experience may be offered the incumbent salary
- Salary bands are determined by collective bargaining agreements
- CCHR does not unilaterally set salaries; they are constrained by title-specific ranges
- Offering salaries at the top of the range is limited by budget constraints and candidate experience
Nantasha Williams
Thank you, that gives me a sense.
Okay of CCHR hires in the last six months, how many staff have been hired at the top of the salary range?
What barriers exist to hiring across the whole salary range?
So you know, salary transparency and so how many people are actually like receiving the top range?
Mariela Salazar
Again, it really depends on the civil service title that we're using, but also if that candidate has prior city experience.
If they have city experience and we are able to offer them the incumbent salary then that's what we're able to offer.
Anything else over that would be that we are promoting the person, it varies.
Nantasha Williams
Okay, does OMB set a hard salary number in a job offer within the civil service title band or is it CCHR?
So who determines the salary band?
Is it OMB or is it you?
Mariela Salazar
The salary band is is as a result of the collective bargaining agreement.