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Use of specific civil service titles at CCHR



35 sec

Council Member Williams inquires about the reasons behind CCHR's use of specific civil service titles for hiring. Deputy Commissioner Salazar explains the factors determining the use of these titles.

  • Civil service titles are based on prior collective bargaining agreements
  • Titles are chosen based on the specific job functions at the agency
  • Some titles are unique to CCHR and cannot be used by other agencies
  • The use of specific titles affects salary ranges and hiring flexibility
Nantasha Williams
have to use those civil service titles?
Like what like what undergirds why you are only allowed to use those specific civil service titles?
Mariela Salazar
based on I guess prior collective bargaining agreements and based on the job that we do at the agency, there's certain titles that we are supposed to use, some of them are unique to our agency so we can't use let's say like a Corp Counsel civil service title that another agency uses because that may be specific to that agency. pigeon logo

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