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Council Member Salamanca introduces Land Use Committee meeting and outlines voting agenda
3 min
Council Member Rafael Salamanca, chair of the Land Use Committee, opens the meeting and provides an overview of the items to be voted on. He describes various land use proposals including the Queen's Future project, affordable housing developments, and a sidewalk cafe application.
- Explains that some items (LUs 234-236, 238, 239, and 240) are laid over
- Outlines approvals for projects in Queens, The Bronx, Brooklyn, and Manhattan
- Notes the disapproval of a sidewalk cafe application in Manhattan due to community concerns
Rafael Salamanca
Good afternoon, and welcome to the committee on land use.
I am council member Rafael Salamanca, chair of this committee.
We've been joined by our esteemed colleagues.
We have with us today council member Moya, chair Riley, Abreu, councilwoman and majority leader Fadias, chair Hanks Hudson, and council member Sanchez who's on via Zoom.
Today, we are voting on multiple items referred by our two subcommittees, and I would like to thank chair Riley and chair Hanks for their ongoing leadership there.
Before describing our votes, I will vote I will note that LUs two three four through two three six, LUs two three eight, and LU two three nine and two four zero are laid over.
First, we will vote to approve LUs two four nine and two five o for the Queen's future proposal in council member Moya's district in Queens.
These actions are a part of a larger efforts to enable participation in state led process which could result in the award of up to three downtown gaming facility licenses.
As part of that process, the state is requiring all applicants seeking to pursue a gaming license to first obtain necessary local land use approvals.
The Queen's future action before us today includes a zoning map amendment and a related city map change.
As chair Riley explained at the subcommittee vote, I want to reiterate that our votes today are not on a specific casino proposal.
Rather, we are voting to approve certain land use actions that the applicant must satisfy as the threshold matter in order to even compete for a gaming facility license.
Council member Moya is in support of the proposal.
Next, will vote on a number of proposals submitted by HPD for various projects in The Bronx, Brooklyn, and Manhattan which seek approvals of an urban development action area project together with the re related disposition of city owned property and along with certain property tax exempt requests and other land use actions.
We will vote to approve LU's two two five through two two eight for the Beacon proposal related to property and deputy speaker Ayala's district in Manhattan.
In addition to the UDAP actions, this proposal includes a zoning map amendment, zoning text amendment, and the city map change which together will facilitate the renovation of an existing community facility building and the development of a new 21 story residential building with approximately 281 income restricted units.
Deputy speaker Ayala is in support of the proposal.
Next we will vote to approve OU's two three seven for the 1093 Dash 1095 Jerome Avenue proposal related to property in council member Stevens' district in the Bronx.
This proposal will facilitate the development of an 11 story mixed use building with approximately 59 affordable units.
Council member Steven is in support of the application.
We will also vote to approve OU's two forty seven and two forty eight for the 2201 Davison Avenue project related to property in council member Sanchez's district in The Bronx.
Together with the real property tax exemption request, this proposal will facilitate the rehabilitation of an existing building with 48 units.
Council member Sanchez is in support of this proposal.
Lastly, we'll vote for disapproval use two four one for the lead drive lead dive sidewalk cafe proposal related to property located in council member Martez district of Manhattan.
As a chair Riley explained and as on a subcommittee and as was made clear in a public hearing on this application and as reflected in council member Martez detailed statement which has been read into the record, there is significant community concerns with this establishment.
Council member Marte does not support this proposal and the vote before you today is to disapprove the application.
Meaning, an affirmation of a vote aye on this item is a vote to disapprove the action.
We would like to recognize that we've been joined by council member Rivera and Salvinga Brooke Powers.
I would like I would now like to recognize any of my colleagues for any comments or questions.