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Discussion on NYPD's overtime budget and spending patterns
64 sec
Council Member Salaam questions the NYPD's overtime spending patterns and budgeting approach, referencing OMB Director Jihad's statement about overtime budgeting.
- Question raised about whether NYPD's overtime spending is linked to necessity or availability of funding
- Commissioner Tisch defers to the budget director on methods for budgeting overtime
- Discussion highlights the complexity of overtime budgeting and spending in the NYPD
Yusef Salaam
Director Jihad testified that the OMB budget hearing at the OMB budget hearing that under budgeting overtime is a cost avoidance measure, and if the NYPD was budgeted a billion dollars at adoption for overtime by the end of the year, costs would be even more.
The directive jihad's statement can be interpreted to mean that the NYPD's overtime spending isn't directly linked to necessity but rather to the availability of funding.
Do you agree that no matter what the NYPD's adopted overtime budget is, the department will always end up spending more than the budgeted amount?
Jessica Tisch
I have deep respect for the budget director.
I've worked with him collaboratively and very well for many years in government, including as I mentioned as sanitation commissioner where I was very proud that we came in even under his overtime targets.
But I would defer to him on his methods for budgeting around overtime.