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Discussion on unfulfilled state funding for Raise the Age implementation
60 sec
Staten Island DA Michael McMahon and Council Member Althea Stevens discuss the issue of unfulfilled state funding promised for the implementation of the Raise the Age legislation.
- McMahon reveals that the state legislature never delivered on its $800 million promise for resources to accompany the Raise the Age legislation
- Stevens expresses surprise at this information and shows interest in advocating for the promised funding
- They discuss the importance of securing this funding to support the programs and resources needed for effective implementation of Raise the Age
- Stevens offers to work on advocating for the allocation of the promised funds
Michael McMahon
Thank There were two pieces to that.
They passed raise the age, but there was also a funding component.
I think it was 808 hundred and $50,000,000.
They they
Jonathan Darche
If you if
Althea Stevens
you guys can give me that number because I would love to make sure we advocate for that because one of the things that for me is, like, I'm really trying to like, I'm the chair of Children's Youth Services, and I and I'm wrapping it up, it wasn't my fault, so don't yell at me.
But really just thinking about how do we meet the kids where we're at and not just I'm talking about preventative.
Like, we're trying to try I'm trying to make sure that they're not coming to you guys and to Family Court and all the things, and and I think it's it's to me, it's a holistic approach.
And so I will just offer up, like, I'm here.
I'm working and really want to involve not just NYPD and providers, but also you guys to come be part of this conversation of how do we really tackle this issue.
And I mean, just hearing that the state, you know, had funding that they were supposed to allocate and did it, I think that's a place we could all work together and really rally behind to get the money that's deserved to to go with the legislation that's passed.
Michael McMahon
Because with with meaningful outcomes, if someone does come into contact with the system, we wanna make sure that they find the programming and the support that they need to not have the same repeat, but also to have some accountability there just to make sure, okay, if you're gonna go to a counseling program, make sure that that's being done, to have follow through to make sure that that one contact is the only contact.