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Discussion on Units of Appropriation in NYPD budget
91 sec
Council Member Gale A. Brewer inquires about the breakdown of the NYPD budget into Units of Appropriation (U of A), particularly focusing on the operations U of A that accounts for a quarter of the total budget. Deputy Commissioner Kristine Ryan explains the current and future state of U of As in the NYPD budget, highlighting the balance between granularity and operational flexibility.
- Current NYPD budget has 21 units of appropriation, increasing to 25 in fiscal year 2026
- Additional U of As are being added for personnel and OTPS for Chief of Department and Detective Bureau
- NYPD aims to balance granularity in budget reporting with the need for operational flexibility
Gale A. Brewer
So in terms of U of A, my understanding is PD mixes the budgets for all a 23 police precincts along with borough wide offices and detectives and forensic and narcotics and strategic into a single operations U of A, it accounts for a quarter of your 6 point whatever billion dollar budget.
Would you be willing to have that broken up into U of As?
Tracy Mulet
So right
Kristine Ryan
now we have 21 units of appropriation and in 2026, fiscal year '26, we'll have 25.
We have four more being added for two personnel ones and two O2PS ones for the Chief of Department and the Detective Bureau.
The issue with having more units of appropriation is it's a balance between the granularity that I think you're looking for here, which I understand, but also the fluidity of you've heard discussions here about reallocating staff, moving people from different areas, different commands, different task forces and divisions, and every time we would do that could potentially, if we got to a really granular level, require more budget modifications which takes time and creates a lot of bureaucratic elements to adjusting the budget and we want to make sure that it's really accurate.
So part of it is just striking that balance.
I think we have, if not the most, but close to the most units of appropriation of the agencies in the city, and so we're willing to have ongoing discussions, but we have been increasing that, But we really do have to strike that balance.
Gale A. Brewer
Ongoing discussion.