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Increase in complaints and suspension of certain investigations



152 sec

Dr. Khalid reports a significant increase in complaints received by the CCRB in 2024, reaching the highest level in twelve years. This surge has strained the agency's resources, leading to the suspension of certain investigations.

  • CCRB received 5,709 complaints within its jurisdiction in 2024
  • 22.5% of all complaints were closed without investigation due to resource constraints
  • Additional funding is needed to resume suspended investigations and maintain investigation quality
Dr. Mohammad Khalid
In 2024, the CCRB received our highest level of complaints in twelve years.
This increase suggests that now more than ever, New Yorkers are exercising their right to report police misconduct, a right celebrated in New York City since mayor David Dinkin created this all civilian board and agency over thirty years ago.
Today, I ask your support to protect this right and in doing so, invest in the safety safety of all New Yorkers.
To function as a truly independent police oversight agency, the CCRB needs four $44,500,000 and 397 personnel.
This is about $17,000,000 and 50 position more than allocated in the last year adopted budget.
This amount represent just over 0.7% of the budget of the agency we are tasked with overseeing.
For comparison, the NYPD proposed budget is 5,800,000,000.0 with 35,000 uniformed officer.
If our request is granted in full, the agency will have investigator one every 28 members of the NYPD.
In 2024, the CCRB received 5,709 complaints with our jurisdiction, the highest number in the past twelve years.
This agency placed a significant strain on our already limited resources, hindering our ability to keep pace with the investigation.
In December 2023, the CCRB announced we would suspend investigating certain allegation within our jurisdiction As last resort to preserve the quality of investigation, as a result, the agency closed 22.5% of all complaints without investigating without investigation in 2024.
Despite constraint in resources, the CCRB remains committed to serving New Yorkers through through thorough and impartial inquiries into the alleged abuses of power.
However, we cannot resume these suspended investigation without sufficient funding. pigeon logo

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