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Quality of life enforcement and creation of Q-Stat system



132 sec

Commissioner Tisch outlines the NYPD's new approach to quality of life enforcement, including the creation of a dedicated division and a new tracking system called Q-Stat.

  • Creation of a Quality of Life Division headed by a new Chief of Quality of Life
  • Formation of dedicated precinct officers assigned to 'Q teams'
  • Development of Q-Stat to track quality of life complaints similar to CompStat
  • Emphasis on addressing community complaints about issues like illegal parking, noise, homeless encampments, and panhandling
Jessica Tisch
Criminals in New York City including violent repeat offenders continue to be given every courtesy and the people of this city, they suffer as a result.
To be sure, crime and violence are major parts of the public safety equation But when residents, businesses and tourists are plagued by issues like out of control scooters and e bikes, aggressive panhandling, unruly street vending, public urination, open air drug use and more, it makes them feel unsafe and it gives the impression of chaos and disorder on our streets.
To address this, the NYPD is overhauling its approach to quality of life enforcement and our plan which will be finalized and implemented over the coming months begins with the creation of a quality of life division headed by a new chief of quality of life.
Instead of various units scattered throughout the department, we will have dedicated precinct officers assigned to newly formed Q teams.
These teams will have strong centralized leadership and be specifically trained to handle and resolve these issues.
And we are also developing Q STAT which will track quality of life complaints the same way that COM STAT tracks crime complaints.
Our Qstat meetings will keep us accountable, more accurately measure our effectiveness and recenter our approach to public safety.
I want to be very straightforward about this.
Quality of life enforcement is based on community complaints.
It is about listening to the people in our neighborhoods who are calling 311 and pleading for someone to come and help them.
Over the past six years, those calls nearly doubled.
From 2018 to 2024, complaints about illegal parking have gone up 202%.
Noise complaints are up 119%.
Calls about homeless encampments are up 557% and complaints about panhandling have increased by 2783%.
New Yorkers are clearly demanding that something be done.
And make no mistake, this is not about zero tolerance policing which can be dangerous and counterproductive.
While correcting these conditions our officers will always have discretion and discretion starts with engagement.
Over the past thirty years, Comstat has transformed how we police with a focus on data driven analysis and supervisory accountability. pigeon logo

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