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Deputy Speaker Diana Ayala opens the General Welfare Committee meeting and introduces resolutions
108 sec
Deputy Speaker Diana Ayala opens the New York City Council's General Welfare Committee meeting, introducing two resolutions to be voted on: Resolution 41-A for a Working Families Tax Credit and Resolution 57-A for food benefits for those ineligible for existing programs. She highlights the issue of food insecurity in New York and acknowledges her colleagues and staff.
- Resolution 41-A, sponsored by Council Member Alexa Aviles, calls for the creation of a New York State Working Families Tax Credit.
- Resolution 57-A, sponsored by Ayala, proposes a program to provide food benefits for those not eligible for existing benefits, including individuals 55 and older meeting income eligibility requirements.
- Ayala emphasizes that reducing food insecurity can positively impact health and decrease the state's healthcare burden.
Diana Ayala
Thank you.
Good morning, everyone, and welcome to today's hearing.
My name is Diana Ayala, and I am the deputy speaker of the New York City Council and the chair of the general welfare committee.
Today, our committee will be voting on two resolutions.
Proposed resolution number 41 dash a sponsored by council member Alexa Aviles calls on the New York state legislature to pass and the governor to sign s point two zero eight two slash a point three four seven four to create the New York state Working Families Tax Credit and proposed resolution 57 dash a, which I have sponsored calls on the New York State to create a program to provide food benefits for those not eligible for existing benefits, including anyone 55 meeting income eligibility.
Over 1,000,000 New Yorkers are food insecure.
However, around 40 of food insecure New Yorkers have incomes too high to be eligible for the supplemental nutrition assistance program.
Proposed resolution 57 a calls on the state to create a program to support these food insecure New Yorkers who are excluded from federal benefits.
Research has shown that reducing food insecurity has a profound and positive impact on the health of recipients and decreasing food insecurity would decrease the state's health care burden and improve the well-being of the most vulnerable New Yorkers.
At this time, I'd like to acknowledge my colleagues who are here today.
Council members Caban is joining us virtually, Aviles, Jose, Ressler, Stevens, Ung, and Banks.
I'd also oh, also, I would like to thank the committee staff who worked to prepare this hearing and Volt Sahar, Mozami, assistant deputy director, Pernina Rosenberg, policy analyst, Faria Roman, finance analyst, and finally, staff, Elcin Carrancion, chief of staff.
I would now like to call on the on council member Aviles to deliver a statement on her resolution.