Your guide to NYC's public proceedings.
Facilities condition and capital budget needs
120 sec
Batista addresses CUNY's ambitious goals for improving its facilities and the current state of its capital budget. He highlights the progress made and the ongoing needs for facility maintenance and improvement.
- Goal to bring 55% of facilities to a state of good repair by 2030
- Currently, 27% of vital building systems are in a state of good repair (up from 24%)
- Strategy includes assessing building health and prioritizing capital program spending
- Estimated need of $200 million per year to bring community colleges to a state of good repair
- FY2026 preliminary capital budget includes $1.5 billion in city funding and $4.3 million in non-city grants
- Ten-year capital plan from FY2025 to FY2035 aligns projects with fund availability
Hector Batista
Lastly, let me turn to our facilities.
As you know, CUNY has set an ambitious goal to bring our facilities to 55% of our facilities to a state of good repair by 02/1930.
Work is underway for on this goal and much more needs to be done.
We're proud of what we've we've accomplished so far.
We approximately 27% of a vital building system are in the state of good repair.
That's up from 24% in prior years.
During last year here in our facility, you heard me discuss our strategy for meeting these goals, including assessing the health of different buildings and components to enable us to make better priorities of our capital program.
By prioritizing the use of data metrics, we can more efficiently expand our capital dollars and improve our facilities for our students, faculty, and staff.
Our priorities is to shape and to be in collaboration with our college community.
We're engaging with elected officials as they seek to allocate discretionary funding for CUNY projects where we target what's needed to address these very important maintenance in our campus.
We need to spend an estimated $200,000,000 a year to bring our community college to a state of good repair.
We look forward to working with you to secure funding for this very important budget cycle.
CUNY fiscal year twenty twenty six preliminary budget capital includes $1,500,000,000 in city funding, $4,300,000 in non city grants for in the ten year ten year capital plan from f y twenty twenty five to f y two thousand thirty five.
Continues to align its capital projects to to better schedule and to make sure that the project is being done at the same time as the funds are being available.
CUNY is in constant communication with one b to ensure that those resources are continued to be there.