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Council member questions DOE on protecting immigrant students from gang database
4 min
Council Member Althea V. Stevens raises concerns about the potential inclusion of immigrant students in the gang database, particularly through information from school safety officers. Mark Rampersant from the DOE responds, emphasizing the department's commitment to protecting student information under FERPA and expressing surprise at NYPD's statement about school safety being a trusted source.
- The DOE claims to work aggressively to remind principals and educators about FERPA restrictions on sharing student information.
- Rampersant promises to follow up with NYPD about the apparent disconnect in information sharing practices.
- Stevens emphasizes the importance of addressing this issue to maintain trust with immigrant communities and protect students.
Althea V. Stevens
A really quick question and this is this is pertaining into the immigrant population and the gang database.
When we were here, when I had when we had the hearing a couple weeks ago, one of the indicators is a trusted source and I know DOE has been doing a lot of work around protecting our young people especially when they're in the school building, but one of the things that to me is alarming and wanna just hear how you guys are processing this and working through this is around and school safety is one of the trusted sources and NYPD said that they are one of the people who are often referring people to the gang database and especially with the immigrant population and understanding how this is so sensitive at this moment, how are we going to protect young people from being on this database and now being criminalized and them not knowing and all the issues that can arise around this, and so this is a huge concern for me and I know that this can also where and this is what I'm finding in NYPD about is like this is how we destroy relationships with communities and I know that you guys are working to protect them and this can also potentially destroy your relationship with communities and families because this has real implications although we are constantly hearing that it does not and this is one of the things I would love to hear how are you solving to remedy this.
Mark Rampersant
So thank you very much chair I'm sorry.
I promoted you to chair.
Rita Joseph
She is a chair.
Chair of Children and Youth.
We share
Mark Rampersant
There you go.
Chair of Children and Youth.
This is in fact, first of all, is the first time that we're actually hearing that that was the statement made by the NYPD.
We work aggressively to remind our principals and as well all of our educators that FERPA does not allow us to share student information.
So if there's an intention, and this includes school safety.
So if school safety is administering a summons, they're provided just enough information to execute their summons by law.
But in terms of the sharing information for the purposes of the database, that is something that we will definitely take back and and talk with Inspector Moulette about, right, because we're intentional about protecting students' information in schools.
As a matter of fact, that's one of the push pulls that we have in schools today that schools refuse to give student information when asked by a school safety agent and or an officer.
And we are intentional about reminding officers and other external partners that we are required to protect student information and that's our our job by federal law, and that's the work that we're gonna continue to do.
Althea V. Stevens
Well, school safety is down as a trusted source that they get information from, so clearly there's a disconnect, and I'm happy that I brought it up because that that's one of the huge concerns that I have around, like, them being a trusted source in this fight moving forward.
I again I know all of the work that DOE is doing to try to protect young people especially in this climate, and I think that that's one of the things that we just have to make sure that we're all on the same table.
Mark Rampersant
Althea V. Stevens
Alright, thank you.
Rita Joseph
Thank you Chair Stevens.
Immigrant family engagement is the whose subject is that?
Immigrant family engagement?
Kleber Palma
Good afternoon Chair, good afternoon Council First of all I just want to point out that I'm here from the Office of Language Access, which is part of the new division the chancellor highlighted earlier today.
I want to start with echoing the gratitude from the council for the investment made on the language access piece, engaging, communicating with families.
We've done a lot of exciting work with that investment.
We've amplified the work that we currently have been doing for the last several years.
And we've seen a lot of net results, positive results in added engagements, increased demand overall, and just general awareness.
And we continue to do that work.
But that amplification is based on the work that we lead here at the Office of Language Access.
It's an approximately $12,000,000 yearly investment.
In addition to that we have oversight of about 7,000,000 that are dispersed to schools every single year to help with the local needs in local languages that perhaps here at Central we're not the lifeline directly.
So we're being very creative to ensure that we support all of our families.
This is a system with over 180 different languages, with over 40% of households speaking a language other than English.
So we have to be creative with what we can do.
And as you hear today, lot of the new programs that we've spoken about today, every one of those programs and initiatives has a language access component to it.
So we're kept busy by all means.
So I'm happy to answer any other questions you have.
Rita Joseph
Thank you.