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Testimony by Abarav P., Student and Restorative Justice Youth Leader from Make the Road New York



161 sec

Abarav P., an eleventh-grade student and restorative justice youth leader, advocates for full funding and expansion of restorative justice (RJ) programs in NYC schools. He emphasizes the importance of creating a welcoming school environment and the benefits of RJ in building community, improving student outcomes, and developing essential skills.

  • Criticizes the current school security measures, such as metal detectors and school safety officers, as unwelcoming
  • Highlights RJ's focus on building healthy relationships, understanding, accountability, and healing, in contrast to punitive measures
  • Urges investment in RJ programs to create positive, supportive environments and develop students' social and emotional skills
Abarav P.
Good evening.
My name is Abarav Puyen.
I'm in eleventh grade and a student at a community school in Bushwick with Make the Road, New York.
I'm also a restorative justice youth leader at my school.
I'm here to show you how important restorative justice is in school and prove that the the city should listen to students when we stand up for full RJ funding and acts to demilitarize schools.
In my school, we are immediately met by metal detectors and school safety school safety with mysterious ominous black belts.
When we arrive at school, we should be welcomed by our community, by our teacher who are getting us who are greeting us with positive positive affirmation.
A citywide student centered commitment to restorative justice means building community safety and responding to harm when it occurs.
We are calling on the city to protect the funding for restorative justice in our school and also expand it to make sure all students have access to school based restorative justice.
Funding should also be in funding should also be included for students to lead restorative justice in in their school in their schools.
By being an RJ youth leader, I have learned that the core of RJ is building healthy relationship relationships.
Schools right now are not focused on community, and that is why we have low attendance rate, lowest test scores, and more conflicts.
RJ creates a safer, more respect respectful environment when where people feel heard by encouraging everyone to understand each other's feelings and work together to make sure things things make sure things right.
RJ reduces repeat repeated behaviors because it helps students develop social and emotional skills.
I urge you to invest in RJ programs in schools because it creates positive and supportive environments for students instead of a punitive punishment based environment.
Unlike suspensions and school police, RJ focuses on understanding, accountability, and healing.
RJ not only focuses on behaviors, but also builds essential skills like empathy, communication, and conflict resolutions.
So by funding RJ programs, we are investing in a healthier, more respectful future for students and our city.
Thank you. pigeon logo

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