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Testimony by Ashton T., Youth Leader from Circle Keepers



89 sec

Ashton T., a youth leader from Circle Keepers and Dignity in Schools Coalition, testifies about the need for restorative justice coordinators in schools. He shares a personal experience of a fight at his school that was poorly handled due to the lack of proper guidance and restorative practices.

  • Advocates for $80 million in funding to hire and train restorative justice coordinators citywide
  • Argues that punitive measures and increased police presence make students feel like criminals rather than fostering community and security
  • Emphasizes the importance of investing in students as the future of the city instead of continuously funding police in schools
Ashton T.
Good afternoon Chair Joseph and council members.
My name is Ashton Tao and I'm a youth with the Circle Keepers and Dignity in Schools Coalition.
I go to a relatively small school in Bay Ridge called IS thirty, but there's still not even one restorative justice coordinator.
Just last month, there was a fight between my friend and a new student, but rather than guidance and proper measures being taken, they were both threatened with suspension.
Of course, this might not seem like an issue, just kids fighting over some nonsense.
But they were friends before this, and the way this situation was handled drove a deep wedge in their relationship.
Now, some might think more police or surveillance would help prevent this from happening at all, but instead of keeping us safe, it makes us feel like criminals in a place where community and security should be fostered.
Even now, I'm still facing the repercussions of the fight, and I wasn't even involved in it.
If even I, a mere bystander, can see what these punitive measures do to the school environment, then shouldn't you?
This is why I'm here today.
We need you to grant $80,000,000 to schools citywide to not only hire, but train more assertive justice coordinators in schools.
Instead of continuously funding the police, fund us as the future of the city.
Thank you. pigeon logo

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