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Testimony by Darialis I., Youth Leader from Sistas and Brothas United
3 min
Darialis I., a high school junior and youth leader, testifies about the impact of budget cuts on support staff in schools and the need for more counselors and mental health resources instead of increased police presence. She advocates for reallocation of funds from school police to support services that help students thrive.
- Shares a personal story about her sister, a paraprofessional who was laid off due to budget cuts while police officers were retained
- Highlights the insufficient number of counselors in her school, with over 1,400 students and only one counselor per grade
- Proposes three specific actions for the City Council to support students, including a hiring freeze on school cops and reallocation of funds to restorative justice and mental health services
Darialis E.
Good afternoon elected officials, peers and community members.
Thank you for giving me an opportunity to speak today.
My name is Darialis Infante and I am raised in The Bronx and I am a junior in high school, as well as a youth leader in Sisters and Brothers United and the Northwest Bronx Community Clergy Coalition and the Urban Youth Collaborative.
I would like to start by sharing a story about my sister who was a paraprofessional in my school.
She was not just a para but a mentor, a listener and a person who was always there for students who needed her.
She helped many students including me.
She would talk to us when things were difficult, help us through school problems and be there for us emotionally when things at home or in our personal lives were rough.
But despite all the wonderful things she did to assist students, she was laid off due to budget cuts.
However, the budget cuts did not affect the police officers in the school.
Those positions were retained.
I know having her present made such a huge difference in my life and in the lives of so many other students.
We needed her and we still need her.
If we can afford police in schools, we should be able to afford more staff who actually work with students in a way that builds trust, community and emotional resilience.
My sister, like so many other paraeducators, was a part of a team that made students feel safe, supported, and heard.
But instead of more people like her, we got more police.
This is not the kind of safety that helps us grow.
And speaking of staff, my school only has one counselor per grade in addition to two college counselors.
And with over 1,400 students, that creates an unmanageable workload.
It is nearly impossible to get an appointment with a counselor and when we finally do, it is last minute and unfocused.
We need to talk about our problems whether they are academic troubles, home troubles, or mental health crises.
But how are we supposed to get the help that we need when the demand is this high and the resources are this low?
The counselors are supposed to be there for the students but the reality is we barely get to see them.
The scheduling system at our school is always backed up because of the number of students who need the assistance.
It is impossible to receive help for the specific problems we're experiencing when there's simply not enough time nor staff to help us.
We do not need supervision nor surveillance.
We need trust, counseling and resources that will enable students to become healthy, solid and well rounded human beings.
If you need money, I know where you can find a hundred million dollars.
City Council has the responsibility to fight for a budget that will support young people like me and my peers.
You can help support us by one, securing a hiring freeze on school cops that does not allow to fill for attrition.
And two, cut funding for the remaining vacant school cop positions.
And three, utilize the funding from both of these divestments that equates to about a hundred million to protect and expand restorative justice, mental health, and other staff practices that help students learn and thrive.
Thank you so much.