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Importance of career pathways and staff retention at NYCEM



85 sec

Commissioner Iscol emphasizes the critical importance of investing in NYCEM's staff, highlighting the need for clear career pathways and competitive salaries to retain experienced personnel. He argues that this investment is crucial for maintaining a strong foundation for the agency's operations.

  • NYCEM lacks unionization and civil service positions, making career development crucial
  • The agency focuses on internal promotions and filling senior positions from within
  • Improving salary equity with sister agencies is a priority
  • Creating clear career pathways is seen as the most important investment for NYCEM's future
Zachary Iscol
We will for sure.
And I think that the one sort of thing I would underline in that is that our and I've said this in my testimony but the people who work at our agency are our most important investment.
And I think, as Chris just said, we are not unionized and we don't have many civil service at our agency.
And I think what that means is that when you were thinking about coming to emergency management for a career, unlike agencies, it's also just because of the diversity of jobs that our people fill.
We're a small agency, as you said, with a little engine that could.
But when you think about career pathways, it's really, really important for us that the people that we have at this agency know what a career looks like in emergency management Because you don't want to lose that experience.
You want to see people grow.
You want to see them flourish.
And I think that ensures that we have a really strong foundation.
It's something that Christina and I think about all the time.
We have a bias for promoting internally and filling more senior positions right now.
100% of our executive staff positions are filled, which is fantastic.
But I think in some of those budget lines, we're really looking to help improve salary equity with our sister agencies and ensuring that there are real career pathways for folks at emergency management.
I think that is probably the greatest investment that this city could make in emergency management.
Joann Ariola
I couldn't agree more. pigeon logo

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