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Introduction and overview of the Department of Social Services



130 sec

Commissioner Molly Wasow Park introduces herself and provides an overview of the Department of Social Services (DSS), which includes the Human Resources Administration (HRA) and the Department of Homeless Services (DHS). She outlines the agency's structure, mission, and primary goals.

  • DSS is the largest local government social services agency in the country
  • The agency's primary goal is to create a path to sustainability for low-income New Yorkers
  • DSS focuses on three pillars: streamlining access to social services, addressing homelessness and housing instability, and creating economic stability
Molly Wasow Park
Good morning.
I wanna thank deputy speaker Ayala and the members of the general welfare committee for holding today's hearing and for the opportunity to testify about the Department of Social Services DSS fiscal year 2026 preliminary budget.
My name is Molly Wasso Park, commissioner of the New York City Department of Social Services.
I thought had a deck, but it doesn't seem like it's up, so I will skip the description that goes with the deck.
DSS is made up of both the Human Resources Administration, HRA, and the Department of Homeless Services, DHS.
So accordingly I'm also joined by my colleagues, DHS Administrator Jocelyn Carter and HRA Administrator Scott French, as well as DSS First Deputy Commissioner Jill Barry and DSS Chief Program Performance and Financial Management Officer Richard Johns.
Collectively, we represent the approximately 14,000 hardworking staff who dedicate their lives to supporting New Yorkers living at or below the poverty line.
Today we will provide an overview of the FY '26 preliminary budgets for both agencies and highlight the programs and services supported by these resources.
DSS is the largest local government social services agency in the country comprised of the Human Resources Administration and the Department of Homeless Services.
Under the consolidated management structure and the shared mission of DSS, HRA and DHS provide a seamless and integrated continuum of client services to millions of New Yorkers every day.
Across the agencies, our primary goal is to create a path to sustainability for low income New Yorkers through three pillars streamlining access to social services, addressing homelessness and housing instability, and creating economic stability.
We are on slide three if we could advance.
Thank you.
And we'll refer back to these three pillars throughout our presentation.
So this next slide shows an image of the Manhattan skyline and presents the title of the next portion of our presentation, the DSS HRA budget. pigeon logo

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