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Potential federal budget cuts and their impact on NYC social services



129 sec

Commissioner Park highlights the potential impacts of proposed federal budget cuts on various social service programs in New York City, emphasizing the reliance on federal funding for many essential services.

  • The House budget resolution proposes eliminating $230 billion from the agriculture committee, primarily impacting SNAP, which 1.8 million New Yorkers rely on
  • Proposed cuts of $880 billion from the Energy and Commerce Committee are anticipated to impact Medicaid, affecting about 4 million NYC residents
  • Other potential cuts include reductions to TANF and elimination of the Social Services Block Grant, which would affect various programs including family shelters and domestic violence services
Molly Wasow Park
It would be irresponsible of me not to focus some of this presentation on the threats to federal funding currently being contemplated by Congress.
As I've highlighted in my testimony, DSS, HRA, and DHS budgets are significantly reliant on federal dollars, but more importantly, the 3,000,000 people we serve receive significant benefits from the federal government.
We are seeing increasing demand for these services at the same time that they are under threat.
This slide highlights some examples of real impact proposed federal cuts will have on New Yorkers.
The House budget resolution proposes eliminating $230,000,000,000 from the agriculture committee which will primarily impact SNAP and there are 1,800,000 New Yorkers who rely on SNAP.
The House resolution also targets reductions of $880,000,000,000 from the Energy and Commerce Committee and this reduction is anticipated to come from Medicaid cuts.
There are about 4,000,000 New York City residents who rely on Medicaid for healthcare.
Additionally, the House Appropriations Committee has put out a menu of budget options that contemplate eliminating the TANF contingency funds which represent a reduction of $290,000,000 from New York State as well as an overall 10% cut to the TANF block grant.
In New York City, there are about 290,000 New Yorkers who rely on cash assistance for basic income support.
The agency also uses TANF for programs such as family shelters and workforce development programs.
The same house proposal also contemplates elimination of the social services block grant.
DSS supports about 72,000 New Yorkers relying on adult protective services and domestic violence services with the Social Services Block Grant which is also used in other agencies as well.
All of these are vital programs that the city and state would not have the budget capacity to replace.
The next slide again shows an image of the Manhattan skyline and presents the title of the next portion of our presentation, Streamlining Access to Social Services. pigeon logo

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