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Testimony by Adaeze Okoli, Representative from Rethink Food
143 sec
Adaeze Okoli from Rethink Food testified about their organization's efforts to provide nutritious meals to New Yorkers in need and their partnerships with local restaurants and community organizations. She urged the council to continue supporting food assistance programs and to safeguard funding for DHS and HRA in light of potential federal cuts.
- Rethink Food has delivered over 30 million meals and injected $135 million into local economies.
- They have provided nearly 18 million meals to migrant shelters and are expanding to include other programs.
- Okoli called for enhanced funding for food pantries and programs that expand SNAP benefits usage and nutritional education.
Adaeze Okoli
Hi, everyone.
My name is Adesi Okoli.
I am representing Rethink Food.
Deputy speaker Ayala, members of the New York City Council, thank you so much for the opportunity to testify today.
Since our inception in 2017, Rethink Food has been dedicated to transforming our food system into one that is fair and more sustainable.
Our goal is simple yet very profound, ensuring that every New Yorker has access to dignified, nutritious meals that reflect their cultural backgrounds.
Despite there being enough food available, it often fails to reach those who need it most.
In Rethink, we step in to bridge this gap using every every philanthropic dollar that we receive to build sustainable programs that make everyday life more affordable.
Through our network of restaurants and our sustainable community kitchen, Rethink Food has already delivered more than 30,000,000 high quality meals that celebrate diversity and the various cultures of our city.
We've also injected over a hundred and 30 5 million dollars into local economies, supported 230 community based organizations, and partnered with over a 45 local restaurants.
Our approach hinges on partnerships, not just between nonprofits and restaurants, but also between the New York City Council, mayoral administration, and agencies.
I applaud the council's advocacy efforts to secure funding and support city agency budgets, crucial in meeting the rising food demand in shelters.
I urge further enhancement of initiatives like food pantries funding and access to healthy food programs, which expands SNAP benefits usage and nutritional education.
Commissioner Park's leadership at DHS in particular has been instrumental.
Thanks to our collaboration with city hall, Rethink Food has provided nearly 18,000,000 meals to migrant shelters and is expanding to include programs like women in need when New York City.
As federal funding faces potential cuts, I implore the council and administration to safeguard the HS and HRA funding for SNAP and essential food assistance programs.
Let's continue to invest in innovative programs, technology, and staffing to enrich menu choices for shelter guests.
Thank you so much for your time and attention to these critical issues, and together, we can create a more equitable and nourishing future for all New Yorkers.
Thank you.