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Testimony by Brian Fritsch, Associate Director of Permanent Citizens Advisory Committee to the MTA (PCAC) on Fair Fares Program
130 sec
Brian Fritsch, representing PCAC, testifies on the Fair Fares program, thanking the council for their support while advocating for further expansion. He argues for increasing the income eligibility to 200% of the federal poverty level and extending the program to commuter rail systems.
- Expansion to 200% FPL would benefit over 415,000 more residents, including 160,000 regular commuters
- Estimated cost of expansion: $36-40 million annually
- Advocates for including commuter rail systems (LIRR, Metro North) in Fair Fares program
- Highlights that NYC's program is currently less generous than other major US cities
Brian Fritsch
Good afternoon.
I'm Brian Fritsch, associate director of the permanent citizens advisory committee to the MTA PCAC.
I wanna start by sincerely thanking the council, you deputy speaker speaker Adams for your steadfast commitment to the Fair Fairs program.
The expansion of Fair Fairs to 145% of the federal poverty level was an important step in the right direction as was the recent expansion to Omni.
But we share your frustration with the slow pace of implementation over this past year.
You know, we also believe that at its current level it's just not enough.
The working poor, the backbone of our city deserve more support from us.
PCAC analysis found that expanding fair fares to 200 of FPL would expand eligibility to over 415,000 more residents who are currently struggling.
This includes 160,000 regular commuters including full time minimum wage employees who are incredibly likely to be transit dependent but currently earn too much to qualify for fair fares.
Deputy Speaker, you asked earlier about the cost of the program.
Our colleagues at the Community Service Society estimate that the expansion would cost between 36,000,000 and $40,000,000 annually.
But at its current rate, New York City is still the least generous of the major US cities offering public discounts for low income residents despite having one of the highest cost of living and highest poverty rates.
Nearly all other cities use 200% as their income limit and most also offer discounts on their commuter rail systems which New York City currently does not do.
It's time we changed that too so people who live in subway deserts but are close to the Long Island Railroad or Metro North can use Fair Fares benefits on whichever system is most convenient to them.
We wanna thank Senator Comrie for leading the charge on this in the senate.
It was recently included in the senate one house budget last week.
They've been great advocates for this as well.
You know, transit is the lifeblood of our city and equitable access to affordable transportation equals economic mobility and opportunity.
Thank you for continuing to champion Fair Fairs.