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Testimony by Jade Vasquez, Director of Policy and Research at Women in Need (WIN)



166 sec

Jade Vasquez from Women in Need (WIN) testified on the need for increased city funding for programs supporting low-income New Yorkers, particularly in light of potential federal funding cuts. She outlined specific recommendations from WIN's Project Hope initiative and highlighted the importance of mental health care in family shelters.

  • Urged allocation of $263 million to CityFHEPS to assist 10,000 households at risk of losing Section 8 vouchers
  • Called for $10 million investment in direct cash transfer programs for high-risk populations
  • Requested increased funding for immigration legal services to $80 million
  • Emphasized the need for $40 million to implement Local Law 35, requiring clinical mental health professionals in family shelters
  • Addressed payment issues for shelter providers and the need to restore funding for DSS and MOCS staffing
Jade Vasquez
Thank you deputy speaker Ayala and members of the general welfare committee for the opportunity to testify today.
I am Jade Vasquez, director of policy and research at Wynn, the largest provider of shelter and supportive housing to families with children in New York City and nationwide.
We serve nearly 7,000 people nightly including 3,800 children.
As the federal government threatens significant cuts to housing and social welfare programs, it's vital that our city allocate more resources for programs that support low income New Yorkers such as rental assistance, cash assistance, and legal aid.
These programs are even more critical now given the impending cuts to federal departments and benefits like HUD, Section eight, and SNAP, as well as the Trump administration's mass deportation efforts that are already underway.
In January, Wynn released Project Hope, which offers legislative and administrative recommendations to protect low income homeless and immigrant New Yorkers from the draconian policies of project twenty twenty five.
Specifically, we urge the city to one, allocate an additional $263,000,000 to city fabs to assist 10,000 households at risk of losing their section eight voucher.
Two, invest $10,000,000 in direct cash transfer programs for high risk populations including families and youth experiencing housing instability like last year's 1,500,000.0 investment in the Bridge Project.
And three, increase funding for immigration legal services to $80,000,000 supporting consultations, pro se assistance, full representation, and direct these funds to experienced nonprofit providers.
We commend the city council for passing city FEPS reforms in 2023, which if implemented would have helped 92,000 New Yorkers access the city FEPS voucher and saved over $730,000,000 annually.
While we are disappointed by mayor Adams refusal to implement these laws, we will continue to fight alongside this council to ensure homeless and housing insecure New Yorkers have the resources that they need to become financially stable and provide a better future for their families.
Additionally, city must invest $40,000,000 to fully implement local law 35, which requires clinical mental health professionals and family shelters.
Mental health care is vital for families experiencing homelessness and helps improve long term health and employment outcomes.
The budget must address payment issues for shelter providers and although initiatives like the backlog initiative help, delayed payments continue to threaten providers like Wynn, making it difficult to operate effectively and negatively impacts our staff, vendors, and clients.
We urge the city to restore funding for DSS and mock staffing to reduce contracting and reimbursement delays and ensure a timely distribution of public assistance.
Finally, given the uncertainty of federal funding, it is critical that New York City invest in our social safety net.
As the wealthiest city in the world, we must ensure that low income New Yorkers and nonprofit providers receive the resources necessary to help struggling families obtain financial stability and achieve our collective mission of ending homelessness.
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