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Criteria for determining new Cultural Institutions Group members



153 sec

Commissioner Laurie Cumbo explains the criteria and considerations for determining new members of the Cultural Institutions Group (CIG).

  • Primary criterion: Organization must be on city-owned property
  • Fewer than a dozen non-CIG organizations are on city-owned property
  • Being on city-owned property doesn't automatically qualify an organization for CIG status
  • Focus on including organizations from historically underfunded communities
  • Consideration of organizations' longevity and community impact
  • Ongoing review process with OMB to ensure CIG status is the right fit for potential new members
Carlina Rivera
Okay, so what, you mentioned this a little bit just now, what metrics are being used to determine which would become SIGs?
Laurie Cumbo
Well I want to add to begin with, there are very few organizations that would qualify to be a cultural institution group.
You have to number one be on city owned property.
So that's the first criteria in terms of recognizing there are less than a dozen organizations that are not cultural institution groups that are on city owned property.
So we basically start from that baseline in terms of organizations that are on city owned property.
But because an organization is on city owned property, it doesn't necessarily mean that becoming a part of the cultural institutions group would fit for that organization.
Because the criteria to become a SIG is quite complex.
And so we are working with organizations to determine does this fit for your matrix in terms of your operations.
So that's one, but we also wanted to utilize this opportunity in a similar way that we did in 2019 for Weeksville.
We want to make sure that organizations that were in communities that had been underfunded systemically for generations to be included into the cultural institutions group because it gives them the ability to have a level of stability that many of those communities had not previously benefited from.
So in our criteria in terms of identifying organizations, yes, city owned property is the first form of that criteria, but also looking at ways in which organizations are serving communities that have been systemically underserved.
If you're looking at organizations that have been in existence for some time, that have been doing the work, that have providing that level of support for our communities.
Those were the organizations that we are reviewing currently.
We're not at liberty to announce who those organizations are because it would be premature at this time.
Organizations are still working with their budgets.
They're working with their funders.
They're working with their corporations and their audiences to ask those questions.
Is this the the best next move for us as an organization?
So we're working with OMB.
We're answering many of the questions that you just put forward, and we're answering those questions every single day.
So we're making sure that we are doing our due diligence and making sure that this is the right fit for the organizations that we're reviewing. pigeon logo

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