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Discussion on arts funding in NYC schools
142 sec
Council Member Gale A. Brewer inquires about the current state of arts funding in NYC schools, referencing a previous Bloomberg administration initiative. Commissioner Laurie Cumbo responds by discussing recent efforts to address this issue, including:
- Hiring Audrey St. Clair from the Department of Education to bridge the gap between DCLA and DOE
- Utilizing the annual report from Paul Thompson at DOE to track progress and identify cultural deserts
- Creating a CDF equity fund to inject $2 million into cultural deserts, which can include schools
- Acknowledging that there is still significant work to be done in this area
Gale A. Brewer
Thank you very much.
In terms of schools, I think the Bloomberg administration actually made the schools do some kind of a blueprint to see whether or not they have arts funding, etcetera.
Again, difficult times, hard on the schools, but I just didn't know if there's any analysis by your organization as to whether or not the schools are doing what I think they should be doing in terms of the arts.
Laurie Cumbo
I thank you so much for the question and, and your question actually inspired our most recent hire, Audrey St.
Clair, who comes from the Department of Education and she's in the arts and education department from DOE, now here at DCLA.
And the purpose of that hire on so many ways was to bridge the gap for that exact question that you're asking.
Paul Thompson, who is head of the arts education office for DOE, puts out an annual report every year that we actively participate in that tracks the progress in terms of investment in the arts, where are the cultural deserts, and we look forward to beginning the process on so many levels of how we utilize that blueprint in order to make funding decisions about where programming happens.
Whether it's during school hours or after school hours, and making sure that we fill those gaps.
But in full transparency, there is a long way to go in terms of addressing the very concern that you are bringing, but I share that concern with you.
But this administration has made that a priority and something that we're going to invest in more deeply.
Gale A. Brewer
I appreciate it because I know where lots of times there's deserts in the school in terms of the arts.
So I look forward to that.
Laurie Cumbo
Council member Borod, I just want to add to that because I agree with you.
And that was the impetus for me in many ways of creating the CDF equity fund to put more cultural funding, $2,000,000 into those cultural deserts.
This is just a seed planted on a concept that we both share, and we look forward to expanding that and doing more of it.
Gale A. Brewer
So some of those deserts could include schools is what you're saying?
Laurie Cumbo
It can include schools by way of arts organizations similar to CASA Right.
May decide to utilize their funding in schools That's
Christopher Leon Johnson
what I
Laurie Cumbo
or they can do it also in their own institutions.
Gale A. Brewer