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City of Yes commitments and infrastructure investments for growing communities



134 sec

Council Member Restler inquires about the mechanism for tracking and sharing information on infrastructure investments connected to City of Yes commitments. He emphasizes the importance of addressing infrastructure issues in growing communities.

  • Council Member Restler notes that his district has seen significant new development over the past 15 years
  • There's an expectation that growing communities deserve attention to resiliency, stormwater, sewer infrastructure, parks, and schools issues
  • The council member asks about a mechanism to track and report on infrastructure investments committed as part of City of Yes
Lincoln Restler
That is all helpful, and I appreciate it.
I will just note, I just got a text message.
I was not aware that RWE RWE and community offshore wind laid off a 50 people last week.
I'm I'm sure we're aware of this.
You know, it's just so while I appreciate your sentiment that it's too early to totally know what to make of the chaos in Washington, you know, it was on the president's first day that he decided to, you know, axe offshore wind projects.
So I I just think that we need people like you and other key leaders around our state thinking about how are we gonna achieve our sustainability goals and advance other big picture priorities that are not, you know, a solar panel here and there, but that are actually gonna be providing us the renewable energy we need at scale when it looks like and I know you you spoke to this.
I just was noting another data point of how concerned I am about this.
I'd like to shift to city of yes commitments, and I realize that these are not fully reflected in our budget documents and, you know, announcements are rolling out on an ongoing basis like the $390,000,000 allocated for Knickerbocker in Bushwick, which is great.
Is there a mechanism that DEP plans to share for an accounting of infrastructure investments that are connected to City of Yes to ensure that our growing communities will be safe and resilient with new development that's planned?
Rohit Aggarwala
Well, let me let me first reiterate something that I've said to this committee on a couple of occasions, is that there is a common misconception that I never want to validate that development and population growth leads to more storm water flooding.
That is not accurate and in fact the reverse is correct.
Because with the unified storm water rule, every piece of property that is developed actually has to do proactive measure to retain storm water.
The development is itself a driver to reduce local storm water flooding.
Lincoln Restler
But the development may strain our sewer capacity. pigeon logo

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