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Council Member Restler responds to testimony on sewage issues in South Queens



52 sec

Council Member Lincoln Restler acknowledges Linda Dada's powerful testimony about sewage issues in South Queens and expresses sympathy for the long-standing problem. He mentions DEP's allocation of $2.7 billion to address chronic issues in Southeast Queens but recognizes that solutions are too slow.

  • Restler emphasizes the need for accountability and aggressive action from both residents and elected officials.
  • He acknowledges the unfair treatment of the Southeast Queens community and inadequate infrastructure.
  • Restler stresses the importance of getting the necessary improvements for the affected residents.
Lincoln Restler
Thank you very much for that incredibly powerful testimony.
And I just wanna say how sorry I am that you've had to deal with this.
And I know that doesn't mean much, but there's just no reason you should have had to be fighting for twenty years to address issues that never should have happened in the first place.
And, you know, we hear from DEP today that they've got $2,700,000,000 allocated to address chronic issues across Southeast Queens.
And that's a beautiful thing, and that is a result of advocacy from you and many, many neighbors over an extended period of time, recognizing, you know, how unfairly the Southeast Queens community has been treated and how inadequate our infrastructure is.
But the solutions are too slow, and we have to hold them accountable and be aggressive, you know, residents and elected officials together to get the improvements that you deserve.
And so I I you're also in council member Williams' district? pigeon logo

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