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Sewer backups and lead service line replacements
4 min
Commissioner Aggarwala discusses efforts to address sewer backups (SBUs) and lead service line replacements in New York City.
- DEP has reduced dry weather SBUs by 75% since 2010, but wet weather SBUs are increasing due to climate change.
- The department identified 74,000 properties at elevated risk of SBUs, including 59,000 one- and two-family homes.
- DEP is developing programs to address SBUs, including public outreach and exploring federal funding options.
- For lead service lines, DEP has received $72 million in grants and interest-free loans for replacements, focusing on environmental justice communities.
- The department has replaced over 700 lead service lines since 2019 and expects to replace 2,500 more in the near future.
- Commissioner urges the City Council to enact legislation requiring homeowners to replace lead service lines when offered free replacements and at the time of property sale.
Rohit Aggarwala
Pursuant to local law one of 2023, we published in January our report on sewer backups, backflow preventers and other ways to prevent SBUs.
This is it right here.
And I believe you've received copies in case you didn't have them.
This report found that DEP has done an excellent job of reducing dry weather SBUs which are caused by fatbergs or failures in the sewers.
These have been reduced by 75% since 2010 due to ongoing maintenance efforts.
However, due to climate change, wet weather SBUs which are caused by too much storm water trying to get into the sewers are increasing.
Our research identified roughly 74,000 properties that may be at elevated risk of SBUs including fifty nine thousand one and two family homes.
It also identified that backwater valves can be effective but are problematic in many situations because they require annual maintenance and coordination among the users of a building which is especially challenging in multi family homes.
The report identified other solutions such as toilet and drain plugs that are easy and inexpensive to install, do not require maintenance, and do not pose the risk of causing a backup internally.
Pursuant to the law, we are currently developing a program including looking for a federal program that could support it.
Importantly, the study also found that nearly one in three sewer backups is caused by internal plumbing issues such as rooftop downspouts being connected to the property's sewer line.
In response to this finding we are working to expand public outreach through initiatives such as the NYC Accelerator, the rainfall ready campaign and the flooding information sessions that we began holding last year.
We invite the council's partnership to continue these sessions and share information with homeowners.
Another topic of interest is lead service lines.
As I testified here last year, we believe that lead service lines should be eliminated but we also believe that the food grade additives we use in our water protect most users with lead service lines from exposure.
There are no lead service lines in the DEP water distribution system and New York City tap water is safe to drink.
But we do recommend that anyone with lead plumbing or a lead service line run their water for a minute first in the morning before drinking it.
This is a simple precaution that will flush water that has been sitting in an internal pipe for many hours.
Anyone who is concerned about the water in their home can request a free lead test kit through 311.
We've been aggressively pursuing state and federal funding to replace homeowners lead service lines.
We have received $72,000,000 in grants and interest interest fee loans for replacements.
We have focused our replacement programs on environmental justice communities that have high concentrations of lead service lines and have a median household income of less than $47,600.
In addition, we're committed to facilitating the replacement of lead service lines throughout the city with an emphasis on executing no cost replacements for privately owned water service lines in underserved communities.
While many replacements are part of our no cost initiative, others are necessitated by our infrastructure.
Lead service line replacements fail or fall into various categories.
The neighborhood replacement program funded by the bipartisan infrastructure law, proactive replacements during water and sewer main and proactive replacements during water and sewer main construction work.
DEP is partnering with DDC to offer lead service line replacements to homeowners when we do water main work in their streets.
We have replaced more than 700 lead service lines since 2019 and expect to replace roughly 2,500 in the near future.
Our neighborhood replacement program suffers from the fact that there is no requirement for homeowners to replace lead service lines if a free replacement is offered.
As a result, our federally funded efforts are less effective than they should be.
Only 50% of eligible homeowners are signing up.
The legislation the council considered last year and in which I testified in favor would address this and would require homeowners also to replace their lead service lines at the time of sale when new homeowners are likely to be making upgrades anyway.
I urge the council to act at least on those two provisions of that bill.