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Testimony by Cecilia Ellis, Environmental Protection Organizer from New York Public Interest Research Group (NYPIRG)



154 sec

Cecilia Ellis from NYPIRG testifies in support of Local Law 97 and Intro 1180, emphasizing the importance of building decarbonization and environmental protection efforts in New York City. She urges the city to lead by example in response to recent decisions at the state and federal levels that are at odds with environmental goals.

  • Calls for fully funding staff lines at the Department of Buildings to implement Local Law 97
  • Supports Intro 1180 to close the "landlord loophole" in Local Law 97, which allows building owners to offset 50% of emissions through renewable energy credits
  • Expresses concern about the mayor's preliminary budget being largely flat for the Department of Buildings and unclear staffing levels for the Office of Building Energy and Emissions Performance (OBEP)
Cecilia Ellis
Good afternoon.
My name is Cecilia Ellis.
I am an environmental protection organizer with NIPERG, the New York Public Interest Research Group.
NIPERG is nonpartisan, not for profit research and advocacy organization.
Environmental protection and public health, consumer protection, higher education equity, and civic empowerment are our principal areas of concern.
Thank you committee chair Ressler and members of the committee for allowing me the opportunity to testify about the city budget in support of local law 97 and intro eleven eighty.
Recent decisions from the governor demonstrate an alignment with the current federal administration that is at odds with what New Yorkers want such as approving the Iroquois natural gas pipeline expansion.
Pipelines we know are not the future of New York, So right now it is paramount to the current moment that New York City moves boldly to shore up environmental protection efforts that are within your independent power such as prioritizing building decarbonization.
Once again, the country is looking to New York City to lead by example and with appropriate urgency, protecting Local 197 by fully funding staff lines at the Department of Buildings, closing the landlord loophole with Intro eleven eighty, adequately and robustly funding school electrification, amplifying testimony from our coalition partners at Align, and supporting council member Williams resolution seven eleven in support of the state bill, Bucks for Boilers, are four arms of the same effort to protect New Yorkers.
So along with a robust coalition of organizations and community members, we are concerned about efforts to see Local Law 97 weakened through compliance loopholes, lack of administrative support or reduced penalties.
As you know, OB is in charge of implementing the law, the Office of Building Energy and Emissions Performance.
Nyberg is concerned that the mayor's preliminary budget is largely flat for the department of buildings and the staffing levels for OB are unclear.
Through the next few years, buildings will need to work harder to comply with local on 97, so we encourage the council to fight for an adopted budget that ensures sufficient funding for OBE's necessary staff levels dedicated to this initiative, though I'm glad to hear that the DEP gave thumbs up on that front so far.
Secondly, we're concerned about the landlord loophole in Local Law 97 that allows for building owners to offset an egregious 50% of emissions through purchasing renewable energy credits.
Thank you to councilmember Cecil Rosa and Ressler for introducing Intro eleven eighty that caps the amount of those emissions in order to ensure that wealthy building owners can't buy their way out of complying with the law and allow Local Law 97 to achieve its full potential.
The young people that NYPD works with know that there's no time to wait or move backwards.
So Local Law 97 must be fully funded, supported and implemented and that means also passing Intro eleven eighty to close the landlord loophole.
Thank you so much. pigeon logo

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