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Water billing, collections, and affordability programs
175 sec
Commissioner Aggarwala outlines DEP's efforts to improve water billing, collections, and affordability programs for New York City residents.
- DEP is working to improve customer service and make bill payments easier.
- The department offers several affordability programs, including the Home Water Assistance Program and the Multi-Family Water Assistance Program.
- Flexible and customized payment plans are available for account holders behind on payments.
- DEP has initiated a water shutoff program for chronically delinquent customers, recouping over $18 million and securing $21 million in payment agreements.
- A lien sale is planned for May 2023, with 17,970 delinquent customers owing over $450 million in open charges.
- The department emphasizes that customers can avoid lien sales by entering into payment agreements or making minimum payments.
Rohit Aggarwala
Most of our work is paid for by water and sewer payments, not city tax living.
As such, it is critical that we maintain a reliable funding stream and ensure that everyone pays their bill.
We have worked this year to improve our customer service and make it as easy as possible to pay water bills.
We are making major capital investments to replace our aging automated automatic meter readers, now at the end of their useful lives to reduce estimated bills.
We offer several affordability programs including the home water assistance program and the multi family water assistance program.
We offer flexible and customized payment plans to any account holder who is behind on payments.
I'm pleased to say we have worked especially hard to address our largest delinquent customers including reaching the final stages of resolving a long standing dispute with the port authority about its water bill.
Unfortunately, some people choose not to pay their water bills, passing on their portion to their neighbors and that is not fair.
If some people do not pay their water bills, the cost must be borne by those who do, eventually raising rates.
Last year we initiated a water shut off program, shutting down service on chronically delinquent customers.
We have been able to recoup more than $18,000,000 and secure another $21,000,000 in payment agreements through shutoffs thus far.
We are continuing this program this year after pausing for the winter.
It is never DEP's goal to shut off service, but this remains an important tool for ensuring that people pay their fair share and keep rates fairer for all New Yorkers.
Thanks to the council's help, we are partnering with DOF and HPD to hold a lien sale this year to recoup more owed money.
This year's lien sale will be in May.
Outreach began last month with notices sent to everyone on the lien sale list.
After several years of no lien sales, this year's is potentially the largest ninety day lien sale list in DEP's history.
There are 17,970 delinquent customers with over $450,000,000 in open charges.
Our goal is not to sell liens or shut off water but it is to have all customers come into good standing up to until the day before the sale.
Anyone who pays their balance or enters into a payment agreement will be removed from the lien sale list.
A customer does not need to pay their entire balance to be taken out of the lien sale.
They can be taken off the list by making the minimum payment amount or by working with our customer service team to enter into a payment plan.
We want people to enter payment plans and as I mentioned these plans are customized to be manageable with a customer's unique circumstance.
Customers can even enter into a zero down payment agreement.
We have been reaching out to rate payers who are on the lien sale list and we invite the council's assistance to engage with them.
In addition to increasing collections, we are also keenly aware of our responsibility to manage our costs through efficiency improvements.