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Project overview and changes due to City of Yes text amendment



120 sec

The Brownsville NCP project proposes three new buildings with up to 74 affordable rental units plus one superintendent unit, an increase from the original 60 units due to the City of Yes text amendment.

  • Project developed under HPD's Neighborhood Construction Program
  • Buildings range from 6 to 11 stories, increased from 4 to 9 stories originally
  • City of Yes text amendment allowed for additional residential FAR, resulting in more units and increased building heights
  • ULURP approvals include urban development action area designation, project approval, and disposition of five city-owned lots
Amhara Hernandez
This project proposal is developed under HPD's Neighborhood Construction Program.
It's the construction of three new buildings in Brownsville ranging from six to 11 stories with up to 74 affordable rental units and an additional supers unit.
The original project at ULURP certification was 60 units and one superintendent unit, and it ranged from four to nine stories.
During ULUIP ULUIP, the project was modified after the City of Yes text amendment, where additional residential FER was unlocked, where it allowed 74 up to 74 affordable rental units and a superintendent unit across the three buildings.
And with this, the requested project approvals across ULURP through ULURP include the urban development action area designation and project approval and the approval and disposition disposition of five city owned lots.
And for Site 3 only and City Council District 37, a zoning map amendment to rezone a manufacturing area m 11 to an R 7 area district with a c two four zoning overlay with the zoning map, zoning text amendment to establish an MIH in the rezoning area.
Sites 1 And 2 and City Council District 41 would be developed as of right pursuant to existing zoning.
Next slide, please.
In December 2014, HPD released the NIHOP NCP RFQ in an effort to develop harder to develop infill small vacant lots throughout different neighborhoods in New York City, and also to allow for local nonprofit smaller organizations to develop as well.
In June 2017, HPD designated Fifth Avenue Committee to develop the Brownsville NCP parcels.
And since then, we've been working with Fifth Avenue committee to go through the pre Euler process, schematic design, environmental review, and public outreach.
And we're really excited to get to the stage now.
We certified for Euler September 2024.
So you can see this project has been a long time in the making.
So I'll pass it off to Michelle to talk further about Fifth Avenue Committee. pigeon logo

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