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Case closure metrics and impact of vacancy rates on case processing



124 sec

Council Member Julie Menin inquires about DCWP's case closure metrics and how vacancy rates might be affecting the agency's ability to process cases quickly. Commissioner Vilda Vera Mayuga responds to these concerns.

  • The percentage of cases closed in under 50 days during the first four months of fiscal year 2025 was 76%, down from 88% in the same period last year
  • Commissioner Mayuga acknowledges that more resources generally lead to faster work but notes that various factors can impact year-to-year numbers
  • DCWP is still meeting its 28-day target for resolving mediations
  • The agency continuously monitors its performance and makes adjustments as necessary, including technological improvements
  • DCWP focuses on trends and complaints to prioritize its work, with tobacco enforcement remaining a key area of focus
Julie Menin
I want to move to closing cases and some of the metrics around how quickly the agency is able to close cases.
So, the percentage of cases that DCWP has closed in under fifty days during the first four months of fiscal twenty twenty five was 76% down from 88% in the same time period last year.
So do you believe that DCWP's high vacancy rates are affecting how quickly you're able to close out some of these cases and provide relief?
Vilda Vera Mayuga
Thank you, council member.
I think, I mean, let me start by saying obviously I think generally more resources you end up doing more work and maybe faster, but I do think there's a number of factors that will always impact the numbers on a year to year basis depending on the type of case and trends and things like that.
But I will say that specifically also if I can point out to mediations, we do still do those in that time period and hitting our twenty eight days target to resolve those.
So that is something that has continued and we'll always be tracking internally.
We don't wait for the MMR to come out or anything like that.
We're constantly monitoring and making sure that if any adjustments are necessary, whether it is the approach that we're taking with our cases, like on a one to one basis or also technological improvements that we can make, as Assistant Commissioner Ortiz mentioned, we're going to be looking at those.
But right now, you know, we are we see that we're hitting that target, especially as it relates to mediations.
Julie Menin
I have a number of additional questions, but I'm going to turn it over to my colleagues.
Council member Krishnan, I know has some questions. pigeon logo

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