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DCWP's coordination with other agencies on licensing and enforcement



119 sec

Council Member Brewer inquires about how DCWP overlaps and coordinates with other agencies in terms of licensing and enforcement. Commissioner Mayuga explains that DCWP works with various agencies, bringing their expertise to different areas such as tobacco enforcement and e-cigarettes. They coordinate with the Fire Department on enforcement and process licenses for the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene.

  • DCWP has staff assigned to the mayor's office of assessments and the sheriff's interagency enforcement task force
  • The agency coordinates with the Fire Department on enforcing Local Authority Nine
  • DCWP processes licenses for the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, with 58 staff funded by DOHMH for this purpose
Gale A. Brewer
One of my questions is, in terms of licensing, can you explain how the agencies overlap how your agency overlaps with other agencies?
This year, as you know, I spent a lot of time on the smoke shops.
I spent a lot of time with battery lithium stores.
I spent a lot of time, thanks to Barzini's, on the grocery store world.
So and and you're involved with all of them.
You can mention all the other agencies.
So I just wanna know, is there an overlap?
Is that something that gets coordinated, etcetera?
How does that work?
Vilda Vera Mayuga
Thank you, council member.
We definitely work with a lot of other agencies and make sure that we're bringing the expertise that we have in different areas.
And I can tell you that we do have one individual that's with the mayor's office of assessments, and we do have 10 inspectors and inspector supervisors assigned to the sheriff's interagency enforcement task force where, as you know, we've been doing tobacco enforcement and e cigarettes for a very long time.
So we bring our expertise to those areas.
Like you mentioned, with Local Authority nine, the fire department, we coordinate with them in enforcement of that, especially since last year we received that additional tool to conduct ceilings.
So we are always in contact with them to make sure that we are following up on those.
And then we also have work that we do with the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, processing their licenses.
That is one area where there's a lot of lines involved, and I'd love to have our first deputy commissioner, Kemi Minaya, give you more detail on that one.
Kenny Minaya
Thank you for the question, council member.
So 58 of the lines at the agency, the authorized headcount, are funded by DOHMH to do DOHMH licensing.
So we since we have the licensing centers, it's more efficient for the last thirty years to have their staff at the licensing center to receive the applications, process them, and then DOHMH applies the final approval. pigeon logo

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