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Testimony by David Colodny, Managing Attorney for the Workers' Rights Program at Catholic Migration Services



135 sec

David Colodny testified in support of renewing and expanding the Low Wage Worker Support Initiative, highlighting the importance of legal services for low-wage workers. He shared examples of successful cases where Catholic Migration Services helped workers recover unpaid wages and overtime.

  • CMS represented five workers from Midtown Manhattan dim sum restaurants, recovering $185,000 in a settlement for unpaid minimum wage and overtime.
  • They assisted two workers from a Brooklyn bagel shop, obtaining a $165,000 settlement.
  • Colodny emphasized the role of worker centers, citing a case where 250 workers at Rikers Island will receive over $1,000,000 in a settlement for wage theft and kickbacks.
  • He requested an increase in funding for the Low Wage Worker Support Initiative from $2,000,000 to $3,000,000 per year.
David Colodny
Good afternoon, chairman and and members of the committee.
Thank you for the opportunity to testify in support of the renewal and expansion of the low wage worker support initiative.
My name is David Kalodny.
I'm the managing attorney for the workers' rights program at Catholic Migration Services.
Catholic Migration Services provides free legal services in the areas of immigration, tenants' rights, and workers' rights.
I'd like to share some stories of CMS clients to illustrate the working additions that low wage workers face and how workers benefit from the low wage worker support initiative.
First, our office recently represented five workers employed by three Midtown Manhattan dim sum restaurants.
Our clients worked twelve hour shifts, five or six days per week and received hourly wages ranging between $3.20 and $6.52, well below the minimum wage and without overtime.
We filed a case in federal district court in Manhattan and ultimately recovered a settlement of $185,000 for our clients.
We also recently assisted two workers who had worked at a Brooklyn bagel shop working as much as sixty eight hours per week, and obtained a settlement for them of $165,000 I'd also like to share an example of a case that highlights the important role worker centers play.
A couple years ago, several workers from a commercial cleaning contractor at Rikers Island went to a worker center called New Immigrant Community Empowerment in Jackson Heights, the workers, were not only not receiving a prevailing wage, but they also were required to, kick back a portion of their wages, to their supervisors between hundred and $200 per week typically out of their wages.
We advocated to the New York attorney general's office to open a criminal investigation, which they did, and that ultimately, resulted in a settlement, where 250 workers will spend
Time expired.
Zade Haobsh
Thank slightly
David Colodny
over $1,000,000.
So, we thank you for your consideration of the Low Wage Worker Support Initiative and ask you, increase funding from $2,000,000 to $3,000,000 per year.
Thank you. pigeon logo

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