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Improvements in vendor payment processes
65 sec
The Department of Design and Construction outlines efforts to streamline and improve vendor payment processes, making it more desirable for contractors to work with the agency.
- DDC has evaluated its payment process to pay vendors more quickly and accurately.
- Over 60 discrete forms have been analyzed, with outdated bureaucratic requirements removed where possible.
- New simple and easy-to-use payment request forms are being rolled out, along with a clear step-by-step guide to the process.
Magalie Desroches Austin
Along with proactive planning, another major DDC goal is improving internal processes so that the industry finds it more desirable to work with us.
Vendors understandably love nothing more than getting paid on time and the payment process is known to be arduous.
Over the last year, DDC has evaluated its payment process with the goal of paying vendors more quickly and accurately by streamlining the administrative burden.
We analyzed more than 60 discrete forms and have worked to remove outdated bureaucratic requirements such as wet signatures and notarizations where not required by law.
We also worked with our sister construction agencies DOT, DEP, and Parks to ensure that we're all asking for the same information in a similar fashion.
We're now at the point of rolling out new simple and easy to use payment request forms along with a clear step by step guide to the process for all.