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Increase in complaints against TLC drivers and TLC's response



3 min

Council Member Brooks-Powers presents data showing an increase in complaints against TLC drivers and asks about the negative trend. Commissioner Do acknowledges the increase and explains TLC's approach to handling complaints and promoting safety.

  • Complaints against TLC drivers have increased by 10.3% in the first four months of FY2025 compared to FY2024
  • The number of drivers eligible for prosecution has also increased
  • TLC attributes the increase to improved responsiveness and communication with complainants
  • TLC focuses on education and mitigation strategies to prevent recidivism and license suspensions
Selvena N. Brooks-Powers
Thank you for that.
Next I'm gonna go to the PMMR rider safety.
The PMMR shows there has been an increase in complaints lodged against TLC drivers with 9,220 in the first four months of fiscal year twenty twenty five as compared to 8,356 in the first four months of fiscal twenty twenty four, a 10.3% increase.
Over the last three fiscal years, the number of complaints has been steadily increasing.
There were sixteen thousand six twenty nine complaints made against TLC drivers in fiscal twenty twenty two, '20 '4 thousand '1 hundred and '30 '1 in fiscal twenty twenty three, and 28,025 in fiscal twenty twenty four.
Additionally, the number of drivers eligible for prosecution has been increasing with nine thousand two hundred and ninety in fiscal twenty two, '13 thousand '80 '7 in fiscal twenty twenty three, and fifteen thousand four seventy one in fiscal twenty twenty four.
In the first four months of fiscal twenty twenty five, there were 6,914 complaints eligible for prosecution, an increase of 61.6 compared to the same period in fiscal year twenty twenty four.
This brings to light a serious concern that passengers in TLC operated vehicles may be feeling less safe.
Why have these metrics been going in a negative direction?
David Do
So let me step back and say I share your concerns for not only passenger safety, driver safety, and safety of all roadway users.
Safety is our highest priority at the TLC.
And yes, consumer complaints have been steadily increasing.
And as you said, there has been in one in the last fiscal year, there was about 16,000, and then in this new fiscal year, 23,000 consumer complaints.
And that is a result of the good job that our prosecution team is doing.
We are highly responsive to consumer complaints.
We update the complainants throughout the process of what is going on.
And many cases, a lot of the complainants know that we are going to do something about it.
And so that is why we have seen an increased number of complaints.
But throughout all of that, we have maintained our level of service, ensuring that we are highly responsive within our MMR requirements for consumer complaints.
But I would also like to say that we also attempt to mitigate the amount of summonses that we give to drivers.
Summances is not what we want to do, but we want to stop recidivism so that things like points don't add up, that we don't have to suspend drivers and potentially even permanently revoking their license.
That is not what we want to do.
So we provide education opportunities and a renewal course every three years during the licensing period so that drivers know the basic rules of the roads to ensure our safety.
John McCarthy
We are actually on a fiscal year to date basis we're up 28% with regards to eligible for prosecution. pigeon logo

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