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Overview of agencies and importance of transportation



78 sec

Council Member Brooks-Powers provides an overview of the agencies present at the hearing and emphasizes the crucial role of transportation in New York City. She highlights the importance of effective and efficient transportation for various aspects of city life.

  • The hearing will include testimony from the MTA, DOT, TLC, and DDC.
  • Transportation is described as vital for economic growth, social mobility, commerce, community health, and overall well-being of the city.
  • The Department of Design and Construction (DDC) is introduced as the city's chief capital agency, crucial for the transportation network and city's sustainability.
Selvena N. Brooks-Powers
Today we'll hear testimony from three transportation agencies, the MTA, DOT and TLC.
Each plays an essential role in the lives of New Yorkers.
The recently deceased civil icon, my soror Hazel Dukes once said, if I can help somebody as I pass along then my living shall not be and should not shall not have been in vain.
Facilitating a safe efficient transportation network is an opportunity for us to put her words into practice every day.
Effective and efficient transportation is vital for economic growth, social mobility and commerce.
It also serves a crucial role in community health and our overall well-being as a city.
I look forward to speaking with each of these agencies about their role in moving the city and its residents forward.
We'll also hear today from DDC, the city's chief capital agency.
The methods, means and materials we use in construction are so crucial not only to our transportation network but to the sustainability and long term health of our city across all sectors. pigeon logo

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