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Testimony by Laura Sewell, Representative of Loisaida Open Streets Community Coalition



124 sec

Laura Sewell, representing the Loisaida Open Streets Community Coalition, testified about the importance of the Open Streets program on Avenue B in Manhattan and requested dedicated funding for open streets, plazas, and bike lanes maintenance.

  • Highlighted safety benefits of the Open Streets program on Avenue B, which is near schools, parks, and public housing
  • Emphasized the need for a dedicated line item in the budget for Open Streets, requesting $48 million over three years
  • Expressed frustration with the current funding uncertainty and out-of-pocket expenses for program organizers
Laura Sewell
Good afternoon.
I'm speaking on behalf of Lois Ida Open Streets Community Coalition.
We're the community partner for the Avenue B Open Street in Manhattan.
We a temporary local access street on Avenue B that really provides traffic common on what's only a two lane street with three blocks adjacent to a park, six schools and a public housing complex.
So this is no place to be speeding.
It's very busy.
Yet drivers exiting the FDR are fed onto Avenue B, which the old timers refer to as the Avenue B Speedway.
So we really feel the difference that the Open Streets program has created in terms of safety on our street as well as providing a place for our community to gather for the programming that we can provide through the DOT program.
You may be wondering why so many OpenStreet organizers are here speaking with you today, and it's because we really have no guarantee.
And we're funding this money we support these programs out of our own pockets, wait for reimbursement.
And like right now, we're supposed to be planning for April, but it's on we're only now finding out that we have some funding for this year.
So our real ask from you is that there be a dedicated line item for open streets, plazas and the maintenance of open streets, plazas and bike lanes.
Think others have spoken very eloquently to the benefits of these programs, but we really need and I know this council supported it and has legislated for it, but what we really need is to see a dedicated line item to provide $48,000,000 over the next three years so that we can proceed in confident to give our time and deliver programming.
Mark Chen
The time is expired.
Laura Sewell
For you.
Thank you. pigeon logo

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