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Testimony by Lisa Daglian, Executive Director of Permanent Citizens Advisory Committee to the MTA (PCAC)
131 sec
Lisa Daglian, Executive Director of PCAC, testified about the importance of funding for MTA systems in New York City and advocated for expansion of Fair Fares program. She emphasized the need for a fully funded MTA capital plan and expressed support for increasing the Fair Fares income threshold to 200% of the federal poverty level.
- PCAC represents riders on NYC subways, buses, Staten Island Rail, Long Island Railroad, and Metro North
- Daglian urged support for MTA's request for a fully funded capital plan, including the city's $3 billion contribution
- She highlighted ongoing efforts to expand Fair Fares program and extend it to railroads within NYC
- Daglian expressed gratitude for the Council's support and advocated for more bus lanes
Lisa Daglian
Good afternoon.
It's good to see you, and thank you, Michael.
Michael is a strong advocate, for writers on all across the system, so thank you.
As are you, and we appreciate all of the work that you do.
I have given you my testimony.
I am not gonna even come close to reading it, So, and I've also submitted it.
I am happy to send it to anybody who who's interested, and we can, also post it'll also be on our website.
So I'm Lisa Dagley, and I'm the executive director of the Permanent Citizens Advisory Committee to the MTA, PCAC.
PCAC was created by the state legislature, in 1981 to represent riders on New York City subways, buses, Staten Island Rail, and on the Long Island Railroad and Metro North.
And all of those systems do operate within New York City, and it's critically important that they all be funded so that they can continue to serve the millions of riders who use them every day.
I know that the MTA was here this morning.
They're obviously having some interesting times.
I wish they didn't live in quite so interesting times, and they're under barrage from a lot of different directions.
One of the most important things that we, as transit riders and advocates, can do is support them in their call for a fully funded capital plan.
I know that that is not what we're here to talk about today, although that the city is on the hook for $3,000,000,000, and we support that.
I know that they asked for 4,000,000,000.
We supported that too.
Just makes a bigger hole to fill.
We enjoy are so happy to be working with you on the toward expansion of fair fares, toward an expansion of fair fares to 200% of the federal poverty level, something I know is important to us in so many of us in this room, and to bringing it to the railroads within New York City too.
And we've gotten that, in fact, into the senate one house again this year, and we're hoping that that will move and it's also in the assembly and we'll hope to move that there, and the city ticket weekly too.
So thank you for your support, and let's go more bus lanes.