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Testimony by Natasha Elder, Regional Director of New York Public Interest Research Group (NYPIRG), on Fair Fares Program Expansion



104 sec

Natasha Elder, representing NYPIRG, testifies before the NYC Council Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, urging support for a fully staffed and funded DOT and the expansion of the Fair Fares program to cover households up to 200% of the federal poverty level. She emphasizes the importance of this expansion for low-income families and college students struggling with transportation costs.

  • Elder highlights that nearly 75% of community college students in NYC live in households earning less than $30,000 annually, with many juggling work and school.
  • She argues that expanding Fair Fares would empower thousands of college students to complete their education without the financial strain of commuting costs.
  • The testimony underscores that transportation is a necessity for access to education and work, not just a convenience.
Natasha Elder
Good afternoon.
My name is Natasha Elder, and I am the regional director with DIPERG, representing our campaign since 1979, NIPERG Champaign has advocated on behalf of millions of subway riders and bus riders, faster and better bus service.
Thank you, committee chair Brooks Powers and the members of the committee on transportation and infrastructure for the opportunity to testify today.
Today, we urge the committee to support an a fully staffed and funded DOT along with the expansion of Fair Fairs program to cover households up to 200% of the federal poverty level.
This expansion is not only necessary for low income families, but also for the communities for the countless college students in New York City who struggle to afford basic transportation costs.
The Fair Fairs program, as you know, has been a lifeline for many since it was started in 2019, but, but the cost of living and transportation continues to rise, we need to continue to ensure that most New Yorkers, especially students, can access, the essential benefits it provides.
Nearly three quarters, of community college students in New York City live in households earning less than $30,000 a year, with many of these students juggling work and school to make ends meet.
According to economic an economic policy institute, fifty two percent of students in the group are working more than twenty hours per week, often at low wage jobs.
These numbers continue to highlight the undeniable truth.
Transportation is not just a convenience.
It is a necessity for access to education and work.
Expansion of fair fares to 200% of the federal poverty level will not only benefit low income families, but would also empower thousands of college students to complete their education and enter the workforce without the financial strain of community cost.
I also will submit my full testimony, to the council.
Thank you so much. pigeon logo

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