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New tree planting strategy and its implications



166 sec

Council Member Holden raises concerns about the Parks Department's new cyclical block planting strategy, which significantly extends the waiting time for tree planting requests. Commissioner Donoghue explains the rationale behind the new approach, emphasizing efficiency and comprehensive neighborhood improvements.

  • New strategy focuses on planting entire blocks at once, including stump removal
  • Waiting times for individual tree requests extended to over a decade in some cases
  • Commissioner defends the strategy as more efficient and equitable, despite longer wait times
Robert F. Holden
But, we we certainly don't have the personnel to care for our trees.
Nobody can doubt that.
If so, you know, the if we had the money to to for those positions, we should have hired them.
But since they weren't, we're still woefully understaffed.
For instance, I get and and this was this is a set separate and apart, but, I got a constituent that asked for a treat in her her area, and she got an email saying that, New York City Parks has begun a cyclical block planting strategy where we no longer accept respond to service requests for tree planting.
Instead, we have laid out a plan to plant the entire city on a cyclical basis, prioritizing the most heat vulnerable neighborhoods first.
So in that's in essence, what they were saying, so we expect to be planting in your area 02/1933 to 02/1936.
Mean, you can't make this stuff up.
So if I'm requesting a tree, I gotta wait over a decade to get my tree planted?
Susan Donoghue
Yes, council member Holden, it is true.
We did revamp our tree planting program and it is mostly with a focus on efficiency and so that with the new program, what we're able to do is plant, as you said, whole blocks at one time and not only deal with the planting of the tree, but with stump removal so that it will be a notable difference in those neighborhoods as we're able to plant those trees, so it's not just one off and sending contractors spread across the city, but really making sure that we're using that street tree planting money in the most efficient way, and also being able to create a very visible difference in the street trees, in the streets where we're planting by dealing with every single item on that block.
So, yes, it will take longer, but it's a way that we can ensure that every single council district will have access to newly planted trees, but also improvements to their block wholesale with removing stumps, with taking care of issues on individual blocks, and doing it hopefully more efficiently and more effectively for neighborhoods.
Robert F. Holden
Well, it's still it's not acceptable on any level to wait till 2036 to get a tree planted in any area of the city.
So I think that that needs to be revisited, certainly, if we had more funding.
And do I have do I have chair, do I have a couple of minutes or a minute Sure.
Joseph Puleo
Yes. pigeon logo

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