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Testimony by Isabel Friedman, Environmental Health Advocate at Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC)



121 sec

Isabel Friedman from the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) testified about the need for increased funding and expansion of New York City's parks and urban forest. She emphasized the importance of dedicating 1% of the city's budget to parks, focusing on climate resiliency, community protection, and achieving 30% tree canopy cover by 2035.

  • Highlighted the underfunding of NYC's park system compared to other major cities
  • Discussed the connection between urban forests and public health, housing, and racial and immigrant justice
  • Emphasized the importance of equitable access to green spaces, especially in formerly redlined and environmentally overburdened neighborhoods
Isabel Friedman
Hi, sir.
Good afternoon, fair Krishna and members of the committee on parks and recreation.
My name is Isol Friedman.
I'm an environmental health advocate at the Natural Resources Defense Council.
NRDC has long advocated for the expansion of the city's tree canopy and the deepened investment in environmental programs.
For many years, the city's incredible park system has been significantly underfunded and understaffed, with the city spending a fraction of their budget on parks compared to other major cities.
While running for office, mayor Adams repeatedly pledged that 1% of the budget would go to parks, saying that parks are not a luxury, they're a necessity.
Needless to say, this commitment has not been met.
Chair Vishwan Khansal has argued in the past that urban forests are directly connected to public health, housing, and racial and immigrant justice.
On top of all the key benefits outlined by others today, trees mitigate the urban heat island effect by lowering air temperatures.
As temperatures continue to rise and heat longs and heat waves are prolonged, ensuring equitable access to cooling must be a priority.
Formerly red line neighborhoods who are already environmentally overburden have the lowest access to green spaces and experience temperatures an average of five degrees hotter than the rest of the city.
The proposed budget is insufficient to support the necessary expansion and maintenance of our urban forest, especially given the obligation under local law 148 to reach 30% tree canopy cover.
In order to achieve a commitment to climate resiliency and community protection, the city needs to provide the parks department with sufficient resources for the staff and program to the lives of people.
We are calling on the mayor and the city council to dedicate 1% of the FY twenty six budget for the parks department with a focus on expanding access to green spaces for frontline communities and continued attention to achieve 30% free canopy cover by 2035.
Thank you for the opportunity to comment today.
My colleague, Goldstein, and I look forward to working with you all. pigeon logo

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