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Data transfer between DYCD Connect and MySchools



30 sec

Council Member Stevens inquires about the data transfer process between DYCD Connect and MySchools. Assistant Commissioner Guillen explains the seamless integration between the two systems and the responsibilities of CBOs in maintaining up-to-date information.

  • Data transfer from DYCD Connect to MySchools is designed to be seamless
  • CBOs are responsible for keeping their information updated in DYCD Connect
  • Updated information in DYCD Connect automatically transfers to MySchools
  • The process aims to simplify login and access to applicant portfolios for CBOs
Althea V. Stevens
So is the information transported over to DYCD Connect?
Is that a seamless process or does the CBO still have to enter it into the system?
Daniel Guillen
They wouldn't have to enter it into the They should be already as a process itself updating DYCD Connect whenever you know a site director changes or any contacts has to be updated.
Meaning you have a new cell phone number, you should be updating that.
And then that data is then being able to transfer over so that they can log in seamlessly into my schools and be able to see their portfolio of applicants. pigeon logo

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