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Discussion on program capacity, waitlists, and community needs assessment



4 min

Council Member Williams inquires about how DYCD ensures that communities with the highest need for after-school programs receive adequate support and slots. Commissioner Howard discusses the agency's approach to evaluating and addressing these needs.

  • Mentions the existence of waiting lists for most DYCD programs
  • Discusses the challenge of balancing contracted slots with community demand
  • Commissioner assures that community needs assessment is part of the planning process for future RFPs
Nantasha M. Williams
And I know you may not take that into this particular thing I'm gonna ask into consideration when you're crafting an RFP, mean I guess you could because you do have waitlist numbers so you do know how certain programs are doing in comparison to other programs across the city and my question that I had asked the chair yesterday was around this and I kind of compared it to the three ks issue where you have some programs that are like beyond capacity and then you have some programs that have reduced numbers.
I know in the PMMR it kind of shows that there's been a slight reduction of participants in some of the after school programs, but how are you ensuring that the communities that need the after school programs actually get the support, the number of spots that they need in comparison to communities maybe there's an under utilization of an after school program and like making that assessment and thinking about how you award contracts and the number of you know slots a particular program can have like all of this seems like some type of methodology that you have like crafted based off of whatever data, if you have that information that'd be great to know but just wondering as you look forward to this new iteration of Compass and Sonic like how are you ensuring that we're right sizing programs by you know community need because that was another thing like that was another one of their complaints that they don't have enough seats and there's no real clear way to increase the seats.
And I was educated by the chair because I was about to go crazy and she was like no they have all these complexities.
See she cares about you guys most of the And
Keith Howard
we care about her and we care about her.
So 100% understand we do have an extensive program evaluation team that evaluates how organizations are doing.
Our first initial response is capacity building.
How do we provide governance?
How do we provide structure to those organizations that appear to be struggling for a variety of different reasons.
Nantasha M. Williams
I'm not even talking about organizations struggling.
I'm talking about like programs that don't have enough seats in comparison to the need.
Know like somebody told me, oh the parents line up so early the line is around the There
Keith Howard
is there are waiting lists, yes absolutely.
There are waiting lists across the board.
So again that does tie into capacity, right.
So yes we have waiting lists in most if not all of our programs.
I I'm really understanding trying to understand the the question
Nantasha M. Williams
Keith Howard
our MMBA.
Nantasha M. Williams
Yeah I need to expand the seats there's theories which the chair educated me on, there's theories that certain after school programs are struggling right.
Like some, but for whatever reasons, maybe it's the infrastructure issue with the CBO, maybe they just you know they don't have their numbers up in terms of participants and then there are other after school that have extensive wait lists.
So how are you like
Keith Howard
So those those contracts are very certain, right?
So if a CBO has a hundred slots, right, and another CBO has 50 slots, those are all contracted numbers.
Nantasha M. Williams
Yes, so that's my question is as you look forward to the next iteration of a new contract, how are you ensuring that the contracts, the RFPs reflect that?
Like you seem you have seems like you have a lot of data, right?
Keith Howard
We do.
Nantasha M. Williams
How are you using the data that you have to make the programs make sense in certain communities that have and I know we're never gonna have enough money to service all of the things.
So I'm just trying to understand though is there any assessment being made to right size that across communities?
Keith Howard
Nantasha M. Williams
Okay, thank you.
Althea V. Stevens
Thank you Councilmember Williams. pigeon logo

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