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Expansion of youth programs through the Youth Safety and Success Initiative
163 sec
Council Member Stevens inquires about the newly added funding for youth programs across multiple fiscal years, and Commissioner Dannhauser details the Youth Safety and Success Initiative. This initiative aims to expand services for youth in various programs, including Fair Futures, College Choice, and new offerings like Career Choice.
- The initiative will increase the number of young people served from 5,000 to 8,000.
- Specific programs like Fair Futures will expand from 4,000 to 5,000 participants, with services extended up to age 26.
- New programs like Career Choice will be introduced to support youth pursuing career pathways and apprenticeships.
- Full implementation of the expansion is expected by fiscal year 2027.
Althea V. Stevens
The preliminary plan added funding from a combination of city, state and federal funding sources across the years of the plan for youth programs.
In fiscal twenty twenty five, '7 point '2 million was added to 22,300,000.0 in fiscal twenty twenty six and 43,700,000.0 in fiscal twenty twenty seven, '40 '4 point '8 million in fiscal twenty twenty eight and 44,900,000.0 in fiscal twenty twenty nine.
What specific programs will this funding support?
Please provide a breakdown by program.
Jess Dannhauser
We're very, very excited about the Youth Safety and Success Initiative.
Thank you for your advocacy for young people.
On a total it'll allow us to serve about 3,000 more young people, up to 8,000 from 5,000 now.
For fair futures it'll take us from about 4,000 to 5,000 and make sure that the full model for fair futures which includes coaching and tutoring and other things is available to young people all the way to the age of 26.
The College Choice goes from 400 young people to 500 young people.
We actually extended beyond the existing budget so part of that is to meet the need of the 400 that we've had enrolled this fall.
Career Choice is a new program that is building on the success of College Choice for young people who want to take a career pathway, want to go to an apprenticeship to give them that same stability during that period which is some of these apprenticeships take time and are challenging.
It'll allow us to provide two thirty two new stipends to young people, that's $60 a day.
It also allows us to purchase from DYC the 80 advance and earn spots.
The Girls Just Us program that we mentioned earlier will go from 48 slots to 72 and the ACES program will go from 160 to 600 and be citywide.
So overall 3,000 additional young people will be reached.
Althea V. Stevens
What's the timeline for implementing this expansion?
Jess Dannhauser
So in the between now and fiscal year twenty seven we'll be fully expanding so we there's about a half of the budget for '26 for fair futures and then it goes to the full $23,000,000 We have to do a procurement around the ACES model so that will start in fiscal year twenty seven.
Much of it including College Choice expansion can happen relatively immediately starting in '26, but will be fully implemented in '27.