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Office of Neighborhood Safety programs and initiatives



146 sec

Commissioner Howard provides an update on the Office of Neighborhood Safety (ONS) programs, which officially joined DYCD in fiscal year 2024.

  • ONS includes the Mayor's Action Plan for Neighborhood Safety, the Office to Prevent Gun Violence, and ATLAS
  • DYCD has implemented key metrics, a comprehensive monitoring system, and structured implementation evaluation for ONS programs
  • Cure Violence providers conducted 15,000 de-escalations and mediations, supporting an average caseload of 1,600 participants
  • ONS providers now have access to $6 million in capacity building and professional development services
Keith Howard
The office of neighborhood safety officially joined DYCD in fiscal year twenty twenty four.
This office included includes, I'm sorry, the mayor's action plan for neighborhood safety, the office to prevent gun violence, and ATLAS.
These programs are aligned with DYCD's mission and improves community police relations and reduce crime, incarceration, and other contact with the criminal justice system.
As promised, when I last testified, DYCD has worked hard to build support around the ONS team and CMS providers, especially around quality and oversight.
DYCD has developed, one, key metrics for systematic reporting on program activities and outcomes.
Two, put in place a comprehensive monitoring system and regular provider network meeting for program oversight and coordination.
Three, launched a structure structured implementation evaluation.
And four, continuously analyze real time data from the NYPD to inform operations on the ground.
Over the first year under DYCD, the cure violence providers conducted 15,000 de escalations and mediations and supported an average caseload of about 1,600 participants at a time.
Additionally, the transition to DYCD, ONS providers have access to the agency's $6,000,000 of capacity building and professional develop services for programmatic and organizational support.
One highlight of our commitment to the professional development of frontline staff was through our family development credential, our FDC program.
During spring twenty twenty four, '15 credible messages from ONS programs participated in the program, and all 15 pilot participant earned their credentials and received college credits. pigeon logo

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