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Testimony by Dr. Shakeema North-Albert, Chief Executive Officer of Covenant House New York
177 sec
Dr. Shakeema North-Albert, CEO of Covenant House New York, testified about the critical underfunding of their programs and services for runaway and homeless youth. She highlighted the gap between city funding and actual operational costs, and the challenges posed by potential cuts in federal grants.
- Current city funding is $49,000-$52,000 per bed, while actual cost is $74,000 per bed, creating a $5.5 million gap
- Requested an increase in bed rate to $70,000 per bed on current DYCD contracts, including 100 new beds
- Called for funding the promised compounding COLA increases at 3% year over year
Dr. Shakeema North-Albert
Good afternoon, chair Stevens, members of the Children and Youth Committee.
Thank you all for the opportunity to testify today.
I'm doctor Shakima North Albert, chief executive office officer at Covenant House New York.
I'm here today to address the critical issue impacting the sustainability of our programs and services.
The underfunding of current contracts that we have been told are now being extended for another two years, and the failure to fund the citywide cost of living adjustments as promised at a compounded rate of 3% year over year from f y twenty five to f y twenty seven.
For years, Covenant House New York and our sibling runaway and homeless youth agencies have partnered with the city to deliver essential programs that benefit our communities.
However, the persistent underfunding of these contracts has significantly strained our ability to maintain the high quality services that youth and young adults in need depend on and this challenge is further compounded by the heightened fear and uncertainty surrounding the future of the federal grants we rely on to fund key programs within our continuum of care.
With potential cuts or delays in federal funding, we are facing an even greater risk of service disruptions at a time where our communities and our young people especially need stability and support the most.
Extending our current contracts without addressing the funding gaps only exacerbates the challenges we face to keep our doors open and provide the quality of services our young people and our care deserve to have.
As cost continues to rise, due to inflation, increased operational costs, or the need for competitive wages, the funding we receive remains stagnant forcing us to have to do more with less.
Currently, the city funds our contracts at 49,000 and $52,000 per bed, while our actual cost of operations for Covenant House New York is $74,000 per bed.
The gap which amounts to about a $5,500,000 forces us to find alternative funding sources to maintain services which in today's climate is not a sustainable long term solution.
Despite these challenges, the flat contract rates we have remain deeply committed to serving young people who come through our doors with quality programs and dedicated support.
Because of our staff's tireless efforts, over 600 Covenant House youth engaged in mental health services last year.
Like many RHY
Althea V. Stevens
providers Thirty seconds.
Dr. Shakeema North-Albert
Covenant House has been asked to take on additional beds while opening a hundred beds would undoubtedly provide more resources runaway and homeless youth and young adults in need, it is simply not sustainable to expand the capacity when we lack necessary resources to support the beds we already provide.
I urge the council
Althea V. Stevens
I see you turning pages.
You are running over time.
Dr. Shakeema North-Albert
I I lastly, I just wanna urge the council to ensure that the current contract extensions come with appropriate funding adjustments to reflect what it cost to run quality programs that our youth deserve and that the COLA issued last year is funded in the way that our staff deserves.
Specifically, I'm asking for an increase in the bed rate on the current DYCD contracts of $70,000 per bed.
This includes the new 100 new beds and fund the the compounding COLA increases at 3% year over year as promised.
Thank you for your time and your consideration.