Faith Behum
Chairperson Stevens, members of the Committee of Children and Youth Services for holding this hearing and for the opportunity to testify.
My name is Faith Bayhum.
I am a manager of government and external relations at UJA Federation of New York.
Established more than one hundred years ago, UJA is one of the nation's largest local philanthropies.
We support an expansive network of nearly a hundred nonprofit organizations serving those that are most vulnerable and in need of programs and services.
Many of those nonprofits contract with New York City to provide services to children and youth including after school programs, summer youth employment programs and programming at Beacons and Cornerstones.
On behalf of the nonprofits in UGA's network who oversee after school programs, I'm urging the fiscal year twenty six enacted budget to include additional investments in the Compass and Sonic programs.
First, we're asking for $6,900,000 to be included for the Compass Explorer program.
This funding was cut last year.
Two non profits in UGA's network lost funding for 72 youth to attend their after school programs.
One of these programs had a lengthy wait list, both provided services to communities that had limited access to other affordable after school options.
Second, we are asking for an investment over a hundred and 54,000,000 in the fiscal year twenty six budget to begin a phase in period of increasing rates for Compass and Sonic programs.
These programs have not been re procured in over a decade leaving providers with outdated reimbursement rates that do not reflect inflation.
Providers are expecting DYCD to reissue an RFP in 2024.
They were actually expecting that RFP for quite a long time but however Compass and Sonic contracts are extended through summer twenty twenty eight by DYCD and rates were not enhanced.
The increased investment we and other advocates are proposing would result in higher per participant rates for Compass Elementary and Sonic middle school programs in their fiscal year six contract extension.
The goal must be to fully fund elementary and middle school programs and a new procurement in fiscal year twenty seven.
Compass and Sonic programs continue to provide services to children and youth regardless of how much or when they are reimbursed to do so.
Increased financial investment must be made to better support these programs so providers can continue to serve the communities for years to come.